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Using surplus government land

We are supporting Victorians by using surplus government land for the purposes of much need housing. Government land is often in areas with good access to jobs and transport. When we no longer need the land for government needs we can release it for housing developments.

As part of Homes for Victorians, the Inclusionary Housing pilot will rezone and review development proposals for 6 surplus government land parcels to deliver a mix of social, affordable and market housing.

Including social housing in major developments

The pilot will deliver 100 new social housing homes, in partnership with a Registered Housing Agency (Community Housing). The pilot encourages the provision of affordable housing on each of the sites but does not set a minimum requirement. Remaining dwellings on each site can be made available to the private market.

The 6 sites will be developed in close consultation with government departments, agencies and local councils. As part of the pilot we will help developers, the community and councils understand how to develop good partnerships.

A clear framework will be developed to give certainty around how a voluntary benefits scheme could be applied. This includes:

  • a legal definition of social and affordable housing in legislation
  • amendment of the Victoria Planning Provisions and State Planning Provision Framework to provide clear direction
  • development of a new voluntary tool to enable affordable housing agreements
  • development of a new value capture tool to set out how these arrangements can be structured.

This will make it easier for local governments, the community housing sector and residential developers to enter into agreements to deliver social and affordable housing as part of large residential developments.

The pilot does not include requirements for social housing that is normally provided by or on behalf of the government (Public Housing).

What is social housing?

Affordable housing can include social housing, but also includes other housing initiatives and or support services that provide for very low income, low income and moderate income households.

  • Social Housing is a combination of both Public Housing and Community Housing – Housing Act 1983.
  • Public Housing is non-profit housing that is delivered on behalf of the government – Housing Act 1983.
  • Community Housing is housing that is owned, controlled and or managed by a registered community housing provider.

All social housing provided through the pilot is categorised as community housing.

Community benefit of social housing

Social housing benefits those who are vulnerable to severe housing stress by providing the shelter to help them avoid homelessness, stabilise their financial situation, increase their security and improve their mental health outcomes.

Social housing also benefits the wider community due to the direct economic impacts that it provides. Labour market studies show that workforce participation and productivity relate directly to the stability of an individual’s housing tenure.

Having a home makes it possible to access employment, have an address to enrol in education and training opportunities, and provides a safe place to raise a family. This serves to circumvent intergenerational inequality, which further strengthens future economic involvement and contribution.

Pilot status

Bidders embraced the opportunity to provide an inclusive mix of social, affordable and market housing. Submissions to the expression of interest were innovative with high quality design and amenity solutions.

The successful bidders are the Barnett Foundation and Met Communities (guaranteed by Metricon), who are now seeking planning approval for tranche 1 sites before construction can commence.

Introduction of the new planning controls for the final 2 sites, Reservoir and Noble Park, started in early 2023. The sites have been referred to the Government Land Standing Advisory Committee and hearings will commence in mid 2023.

Pilot process

6 suitable surplus government sites identified for inclusion in the pilot and divided into 2 tranches.

New planning controls introduced for 4 of the 6 sites: Wodonga, Boronia, Broadmeadows and Parkville (Tranche 1). The controls were reviewed through the Government Land Standing Advisory Committee and introduced on 5 July 2018.

Proposals for the development and sale of all 6 sites sought via an expression of interest process. Submissions evaluated and short listed. The invitation to participate was released via Tenders VIC on 8 August 2018 and closed 13 September 2018.

Short listed bidders evaluated and notified of the outcomes.

The Minister for Planning approved planning permits for the Broadmeadows site, on 24 October 2023 PA2201983, and the Wodonga site on 13 December 2023 PA2302085.

Further information about the permits is available at: Ministerial Permits register by entering the relevant permit numbers for Broadmeadows site PA2201983, for Wodonga site PA2302085 in the search field.

Introduce new planning controls for the final 2 sites: Reservoir and Noble Park (Tranche 2).

Search the Browse Amendments page to access reports for these sites by entering the planning scheme amendment number for Noble Park C240gdan gazetted on 11 January 2023 or Reservoir C209dare gazetted on 25 January 2024.

Pilot sites

The 6 sites are being delivered in 'tranches'. In tranche 1, the first 4 sites were presented to the market after an Advisory Committee process to established new planning controls.

For the sites in tranche 2, the successful bidders design will be reviewed by the Advisory Committee at the same time as consideration of the proposed planning controls.

This approach will test the different ways social and affordable housing can be managed in the planning system to achieve desirable outcomes.

Tranche 1

  • 2-16 Nicholas Street Broadmeadows
  • 30 Jarrah Street - 41 Pearce Street Wodonga
  • 40 Mount View Road Boronia
  • 87-103 Manningham Street Parkville

Tranche 2

  • 30-40 Athol Road Noble Park
  • 16-20 Dumbarton Street Reservoir

Page last updated: 01/07/24