Site details

The Minister for Planning has referred this site to the Government Land Standing Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee) for advice on the future planning provisions.

Site owner: Department of Treasury and Finance on behalf of Department of Environment, Land Water and Planning

Municipality: Pyrenees Shire Council

Aerial view of 31 Camp Hill Road Beaufort
Aerial view of 31 Camp Hill Road, Beaufort

Planning Provisions

Existing Provisions Proposed Changes
Public Use Zone - Other Public Use Industrial 3 Zone
Bushfire Management Overlay Retain

Information pack

Site information

Proposed planning scheme amendment C43 documentation

Advisory Committee report

Minister's decision

Changes to the planning provisions for 31 Camp Hill Road, Beaufort, was gazetted as Pyrenees Planning Scheme Amendment C43 on 6 December 2018.

Page last updated: 29/08/24