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Request a map amendment

We provide a free map preparation service to councils for planning scheme amendments.

For a fast response, we recommend submitting spatial/GIS data for mapping amendments. Proposed changes can also be drawn up on the interactive map, or mark-ups and documents can be uploaded with your request.

Request a map amendment

Help and support

Located on the bottom left of the side panel, the ‘Layers’ menu contains a list of planning scheme layers which can be toggled on and off.

Each layer is activated by selecting the checkbox. The plus symbol indicates that the layer contains sublayers that can also be toggled on and off. This can be helpful when trying to view the current planning zones or overlays underlying a proposed feature.

On the bottom left of the side panel, the Help guide provides articles to help using the map amendments request form.

The articles provide a lot of the information and animated images demonstrating how to interact with different functions. It can also be accessed from the ‘Tools’ button.

When using the Help guide, you can make the screen wider by selecting and dragging the sizing panel.

The search toolbar in the top right of the screen can be used to zoom to a specified property on the map.

An address or standard parcel identifier (SPI) can be used. The suggestion bar will autocomplete the address or SPI if a match is found.

Located at the top right of the page in the ‘Tools’ menu, 'Contact' can be used to access the phone and email details for Planning Mapping Services.

The request form can be reset by selecting the Tools menu and then selecting Reset request.

There is a combined file size limit of 7MB.

Larger files can be emailed to planning.mappingservices@delwp.vic.gov.au with the LGA and amendment number. Zip file types are acceptable.

Step 1

Go to the map request form and select 'Next' to continue.

Step 2

Fill out details about the amendment in the form.

Step 3

Select ‘Upload files’ at the bottom of the form.

Upload file from device

Step 4

Attach the files to the request – select the 'Choose files' button.

Multiple files can be uploaded by selecting more than one file in the file selection window.

choose files to upload

Step 5

After attaching the files, select 'Next'.

Step 6

Confirm the amendment details, attachments and select 'Submit'.

To edit information or add or remove files, select a button.

Step 7

Before submitting you can enter additional comments.

Select OK to submit or Back to return to the previous screen.

Uploading files

Step 8

Confirmation will display when submitted.

An email confirmation will be sent to the email address entered in request details.

Use the mapping tool to draw amendment areas on the map.

Step 1

Go to the map request form and select 'Next' to continue.

Step 2

Fill out details about the amendment in the form. When complete select 'Mark up map' at the bottom of the form.

The ‘Mark up map’ option should be used when the proposed zone or overlay is a simple feature, and areas cover a single or small number of properties.

Step 3

The map will zoom to the extent of the LGA selected.

Find the amendment area by either using the zoom functions or the address search toolbar.

Select preferred option to mark up the map

Step 4

Select an option to digitise an area of proposed zone or overlay and select 'OK'.

Draw feature onto the map

Selecting the map will start the draw function. The feature can then be built-up by clicking at various points on the map.

Double-clicking the map will finish the drawing. The feature will appear on the map with a notification that it has been created.

Automatic snapping to the property layer for the drawing can be turned on using the hotkey 'F'.

Select properties to make up a feature

You can choose to select properties on the map using either freehand (draw a freehand line on the map) or multiple points (select several points on the map).

Freehand: Select the map to start the draw function for the feature which will select the underlying property boundaries. The selection can then be built by moving the cursor while holding down the left mouse button over the properties on the map.

Releasing the left mouse button will finish the selection of the property boundaries which will make up the feature. The feature will appear on the map with a notification that it has been created.

Multiple Points: Select the map to create a circle which indicates that the underlying property at that point has been selected as a part of the feature.

After all points have been added, double-clicking on the map will finish the capture of the feature. The feature will appear on the map with a notification that it has been created.

Selecting the 'Select by multiple points' button after the drawing is complete will reset the drawing.

using markup tool

Select 'Next' when ready to proceed with the selected area.

Step 5

When the feature is added or geometry captured a 'Success' mesage will appear. Select OK.

Step 6

The amendment summary screen dispays all request details for review.

Another zone or overlay feature can be added to the amendment request.

Details can be updated by selecting ‘Back to details’

If all the details are correct, select the ‘Review’ button to check the amendment features before submitting.

Review selected properties using the markup tool

Step 7

On the review screen, hovering over any item on the list of zone/overlay features will highlight the feature (7).

Review screen

If a proposed feature is incorrect, select it from the listing and press ‘Remove’ (8). This removes the selected feature.

Navigate back to the map amendment summary screen and add a new zone or overlay if required.

Select 'Back' (9) to return to the map amendment summary screen and add new zone or overlay features if required.

If all proposed features are correct, selecting the ‘Submit’ (9) button will submit the map amendment request. Enter additional comments if required and select 'OK'

Step 8

Confirmation will display when submitted.

An email confirmation will be sent to the email address entered in request details and will include an image file showing the selected map area.

More information about using Planning mapping tools.

Page last updated: 01/06/24