00:00:00.370 --> 00:00:04.165

In this video, for the amendment

tracking system online guides

00:00:04.165 --> 00:00:08.305

we cover module 9 and we look at

the Refresh Amendment Workflow.

00:00:09.710 --> 00:00:14.077

We'll look at what the refresh

process is and how users will

00:00:14.077 --> 00:00:16.856

know if they need to run a

00:00:16.856 --> 00:00:21.755

refresh. We'll show you how to

run the refresh process and also

00:00:21.755 --> 00:00:26.110

give you an understanding of how

you can see which parts of

00:00:26.110 --> 00:00:29.795

your document has been

changed and we'll give you some

00:00:29.795 --> 00:00:33.480

tips in how you can copy some

content from previous versions

00:00:33.480 --> 00:00:36.830

into the latest updated version

of the amendment document and

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Lastly will look at how you can

create a printed copy of your

00:00:41.185 --> 00:00:42.525

amendment document as well.

00:00:44.460 --> 00:00:47.830

For this video it we'll be using

the ATS authoring system.

00:00:48.640 --> 00:00:52.960

And don't forget there are online

guides available on our DELWP

00:00:52.960 --> 00:00:56.848

website. Planning support are

there to assist

00:00:56.848 --> 00:00:58.144


00:01:00.900 --> 00:01:05.443

Now let's look at the purpose of

a refresh amendment workflow.

00:01:05.443 --> 00:01:09.573

Well, the refresh ensures

that you're amendment document

00:01:09.573 --> 00:01:13.703

contains the most up-to-date

data from the Master of your

00:01:13.703 --> 00:01:17.833

planning scheme. So if you

recall, when you created the

00:01:17.833 --> 00:01:21.550

instruction list with those

instruction items, it took a

00:01:21.550 --> 00:01:26.506

copy of the your master planning

scheme and placed that into the

00:01:26.506 --> 00:01:30.636

amendment document. So if you

had have done the instruction

00:01:30.636 --> 00:01:33.527

list two years ago or 12 months

00:01:33.527 --> 00:01:38.458

ago. It is, it's taken a

copy of the master planning

00:01:38.458 --> 00:01:43.354

scape at that point in time, so

that's why this refresh process

00:01:43.354 --> 00:01:44.578

is really important.

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Users will be advised that they

need to run a refresh. Often

00:01:49.418 --> 00:01:53.486

they will receive a message and

this message will look like a

00:01:53.486 --> 00:01:56.876

Grey box and studying that

master content has changed since

00:01:56.876 --> 00:01:59.588

last synchronized, and this is

an example there.

00:02:00.320 --> 00:02:04.360

The message will appear above

any part of content

00:02:04.360 --> 00:02:08.400

throughout the amendment

document and we'll have a look at

00:02:08.400 --> 00:02:09.612

an example and.

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Even if you don't get this

message, you can still run

00:02:12.907 --> 00:02:15.377

the refresh and I'll be

running a refresh on my

00:02:15.377 --> 00:02:17.847

document even I don't have

this message, so we'll get

00:02:17.847 --> 00:02:20.317

into the authoring systems

shortly and have a look at

00:02:20.317 --> 00:02:20.564


00:02:21.600 --> 00:02:26.148

So this is an example of a

document that has this message

00:02:26.148 --> 00:02:30.696

appear. You can see any section

21.07-1. The message has

00:02:30.696 --> 00:02:34.865

appeared within just above that

content item there. Now.

00:02:34.865 --> 00:02:38.276

Be mindful that message can

appear numerous times throughout

00:02:38.276 --> 00:02:42.824

your amendment document. So when we

run the process we always select

00:02:42.824 --> 00:02:46.235

the amendment header amendment

and with the amendment number.

00:02:46.235 --> 00:02:51.162

So let's get into the authoring

system and have a look at that

00:02:51.162 --> 00:02:57.132

now. OK so here I am in my

amendment document and working from

00:02:57.132 --> 00:03:02.540

the review tab just make sure

I'm on the review tab. I would

00:03:02.540 --> 00:03:03.788

select the header.

00:03:04.670 --> 00:03:08.740

Again, as I said, You might

get messages appear just above

00:03:08.740 --> 00:03:13.180

any parts of content with that

Grey message, but I don't have

00:03:13.180 --> 00:03:16.880

anything in this particular

amendment, but if I select the

00:03:16.880 --> 00:03:21.320

header because I still want to

run this refresh and make sure

00:03:21.320 --> 00:03:25.020

I have the latest content

under tasks, opening that up

00:03:25.020 --> 00:03:27.980

on the right will select to

apply workflow.

00:03:29.410 --> 00:03:33.658

On the search box we'll put

in refresh you see it just

00:03:33.658 --> 00:03:36.490

pop up there, so let's

select refresh amendment.

00:03:37.770 --> 00:03:42.330

And we have to add that task to

our Workflow list. That's it there, if I

00:03:42.330 --> 00:03:47.194

didn't want to do it, I can take

it out, but I want to do that.

00:03:47.194 --> 00:03:50.842

So let's now click apply. So

what that has done, that's done

00:03:50.842 --> 00:03:54.490

a workflow and it's checked

that any part of my content, if

00:03:54.490 --> 00:03:58.442

it has been updated in the

master as of this point in time.

00:03:58.442 --> 00:04:02.698

Now I will receive an email. So

let's wait for the email to come

00:04:02.698 --> 00:04:06.346

through an which will advise me

if any content within my amendment

00:04:06.346 --> 00:04:10.655

document has changed. OK, this

is a email that I received was

00:04:10.655 --> 00:04:14.230

pretty quick and you can see my

amendment number and there's a URL

00:04:14.230 --> 00:04:17.255

which will take us back to the

amendment document if needed.

00:04:17.255 --> 00:04:20.555

But I can see that it's actually

passed through the process and

00:04:20.555 --> 00:04:23.305

that there was no

changes required there, so

00:04:23.305 --> 00:04:26.880

that's good to know. Now let's

have a look at an email where

00:04:26.880 --> 00:04:30.455

the user was advised that there

were changes, so I'll get one of

00:04:30.455 --> 00:04:36.448

those. OK, so here we do. We've

got an email where a refresh

00:04:36.448 --> 00:04:41.236

process was done on an amendment

document and the user has been

00:04:41.236 --> 00:04:45.625

advised what parts of content

was refreshed. It was these two

00:04:45.625 --> 00:04:48.817

areas in their amendment

document that was actually

00:04:48.817 --> 00:04:53.605

refreshed, so now we're back to

our amendment document and I want

00:04:53.605 --> 00:04:58.792

to now have a look at the parts

of content that went through

00:04:58.792 --> 00:05:01.186

that refresh process. So say for

00:05:01.186 --> 00:05:03.916

example if. This particular

subclass section went through

00:05:03.916 --> 00:05:07.708

the process. I just want to open

that up into another browser

00:05:07.708 --> 00:05:11.500

window just so I can work with

this particular bit of content.

00:05:11.500 --> 00:05:16.240

Now, I'm not going to open it up

in edit mode yet. If you you

00:05:16.240 --> 00:05:19.716

recall, from module six, we

looked at versions. Now if I

00:05:19.716 --> 00:05:22.876

select the versions option on

the right hand side now.

00:05:23.520 --> 00:05:27.502

It will bring up all the

versions that have been created.

00:05:27.502 --> 00:05:31.846

Now if a refresh has caused my

entire content there to be

00:05:31.846 --> 00:05:35.828

overwritten from with the master

copy because there was a change

00:05:35.828 --> 00:05:39.810

that went through, I would get a

version here called. Usually

00:05:39.810 --> 00:05:44.878

it's about 2.0 major. It might

even be 3.0 major, but will be a

00:05:44.878 --> 00:05:49.584

major change. Will be noted that

it was a system change so it

00:05:49.584 --> 00:05:53.566

looks similar to this type of a

change. You'll see something

00:05:53.566 --> 00:05:57.970

like this. And this is 1.0

major. OK, so you get something

00:05:57.970 --> 00:06:02.520

that looks similar to that. So

what you can do is just be

00:06:02.520 --> 00:06:06.720

mindful you have not lost your

changes. OK, so say for example

00:06:06.720 --> 00:06:11.270

this is a 2.0 major change done

by the refresh. I can easily

00:06:11.270 --> 00:06:15.120

come to another version where I

had some tables. All those

00:06:15.120 --> 00:06:20.020

tables were deleted so I'm going

to come to a version that I had

00:06:20.020 --> 00:06:24.220

some the tables created. There

you go now save for example the

00:06:24.220 --> 00:06:25.620

update the refresh process.

00:06:25.660 --> 00:06:29.584

Process actually took out my new

tables and I really don't have

00:06:29.584 --> 00:06:33.508

to redo them. So what I'll do,

I'll just copy, I'm on the

00:06:33.508 --> 00:06:37.432

versions I'm not in edit mode.

Remember that. I'll copy the the

00:06:37.432 --> 00:06:38.740

let me highlight that.

00:06:39.440 --> 00:06:43.530

I'll copy that relevant areas.

There you go. As long as I

00:06:43.530 --> 00:06:48.029

highlight all that area and

copy. Just control C or right

00:06:48.029 --> 00:06:54.640

click copy. And so I've copied

that I'll just close the

00:06:54.640 --> 00:06:59.650

versions now. We'll open up

that bit of content to edit, so

00:06:59.650 --> 00:07:03.250

I'm in edit mode now. You can

see those tables aren't there

00:07:03.250 --> 00:07:06.550

because they been overwritten by

the refresh. So I just create a

00:07:06.550 --> 00:07:08.350

new paragraph and control V to

00:07:08.350 --> 00:07:13.123

paste in my new tables. So I

haven't lost them. Just be

00:07:13.123 --> 00:07:16.927

mindful, I haven't lost

the tables. I can just go to

00:07:16.927 --> 00:07:20.097

previous versions and copy and

bring them back in. Be

00:07:20.097 --> 00:07:23.584

mindful though, that any changes

that you had in your amendment

00:07:23.584 --> 00:07:27.071

prior to the workflow, prior to the

refresh occuring, you've got to

00:07:27.071 --> 00:07:30.241

make sure that there still

relevant with the latest version

00:07:30.241 --> 00:07:33.411

of the master copy so the

refresh process is really

00:07:33.411 --> 00:07:36.264

crucial to getting the amendment

completed properly. Now, one

00:07:36.264 --> 00:07:40.702

thing I just want to point out

if you see I'm in this paragraph I'm

00:07:40.702 --> 00:07:41.970

trying to hit delete.

00:07:42.020 --> 00:07:45.341

Even backspace not doing

anything. Remember as long as I

00:07:45.341 --> 00:07:49.031

have my settings and show

boundaries on with show controls

00:07:49.031 --> 00:07:53.459

checked, if that ever happens, to the

far right there's a little cog

00:07:53.459 --> 00:07:57.518

there which enables us to

show options and I'll select

00:07:57.518 --> 00:08:01.946

that little bin which is delete

this element. Just tidying up that

00:08:01.946 --> 00:08:06.005

will work there. I don't think there's

anything else there happy with that

00:08:06.005 --> 00:08:10.064

so I'm happy with those changes. I've

done the refresh added those

00:08:10.064 --> 00:08:12.647

tables that I had in my amendment

00:08:12.647 --> 00:08:14.360

document previously. And save.

00:08:16.390 --> 00:08:20.108

I'll just close that. Let's

navigate to our publish tab so

00:08:20.108 --> 00:08:21.798

we can print our amendment

00:08:21.798 --> 00:08:26.900

document. So I'll print another copy,

publish print PDF RGB that will

00:08:26.900 --> 00:08:31.928

generate a copy. Now say for

example, I want to compare this

00:08:31.928 --> 00:08:36.956

to previous versions so I can

make sure that you know I

00:08:36.956 --> 00:08:40.727

haven't missed anything from the

previously over written version.

00:08:40.727 --> 00:08:42.822

So when that comes up.

00:08:44.310 --> 00:08:49.172

I'll then create a comparison

to a version I think. Where

00:08:49.172 --> 00:08:54.476

are my changes were, so I can

pick any previous snapshot or

00:08:54.476 --> 00:08:58.454

published document, so I'll

just select that one and I'll

00:08:58.454 --> 00:09:00.222

select Create a comparison.

00:09:04.490 --> 00:09:06.460

And when that comes up.

00:09:07.300 --> 00:09:10.590

Of course we select the eye icon to

00:09:10.590 --> 00:09:12.880

view. Bring that to screen.

00:09:14.180 --> 00:09:18.660

And here we are. So let's have a

look what can we see? We can see

00:09:18.660 --> 00:09:22.020

those tables that I've brought in

now. Not happy with that width.

00:09:22.020 --> 00:09:25.380

I would actually go back into

the document and make sure that

00:09:25.380 --> 00:09:28.460

I actually adjust that which

that's got a bit too wide.

00:09:29.070 --> 00:09:33.326

So make sure that support about

20 or 30%. I'll change it as a

00:09:33.326 --> 00:09:36.974

percent supported, 20 or 30%,

and I think we covered that in

00:09:36.974 --> 00:09:40.926

when we talk. I think module 4

when we look at creating

00:09:40.926 --> 00:09:44.878

tables. So that is how a user

can easily run a refresh and

00:09:44.878 --> 00:09:48.526

again do not be concerned you

don't lose your changes as long

00:09:48.526 --> 00:09:52.478

as you're in that bit of

content. So if I was in resorts

00:09:52.478 --> 00:09:56.430

profile in that bit of content

have that open at any point in

00:09:56.430 --> 00:09:59.774

time I can have a look at my

previous versions, OK?

00:10:01.200 --> 00:10:05.220

And work back and just even

copy and paste in our next

00:10:05.220 --> 00:10:08.235

module. Module 10 we'll look

at submitting an amendment

00:10:08.235 --> 00:10:11.250

and show you how you can

upload supporting documents.

Page last updated: 26/02/25