00:00:01.180 --> 00:00:05.129

In this video for the online

training for the amendment tracking

00:00:05.129 --> 00:00:09.078

system we cover module 8 The

interim publish. We'll look at how

00:00:09.078 --> 00:00:12.668

we can access the interim

published portal. What is the

00:00:12.668 --> 00:00:16.617

purpose of an interim publish

and when should we use this

00:00:16.617 --> 00:00:19.958

function? We'll also demonstrate

how you can create an interim

00:00:19.958 --> 00:00:21.218

publish and where those files are

00:00:21.218 --> 00:00:25.320

stored. And Lastly will look at

what the differences between an

00:00:25.320 --> 00:00:26.900

interim publish and a snapshot.

00:00:27.940 --> 00:00:31.864

For this module will be using

ATS authoring, but we'll be using

00:00:31.864 --> 00:00:33.499

a specific URL for this.

00:00:35.490 --> 00:00:38.867

And don't forget there's online guides

available on our DELWP website.

00:00:40.410 --> 00:00:44.280

And Lastly, planning

support can assist

00:00:44.280 --> 00:00:46.215


00:00:48.220 --> 00:00:51.773

Now, just before we run our

first interim publish what we

00:00:51.773 --> 00:00:55.972

just want to have a look at is

what is the difference between

00:00:55.972 --> 00:00:59.202

an interim publish and a

snapshot or publish print PDF

00:00:59.202 --> 00:01:03.078

that we covered in module 7 well

the difference is, an interim

00:01:03.078 --> 00:01:06.631

publish actually provides a way

for the user to create a

00:01:06.631 --> 00:01:10.184

document of what their amendment

will look like when merged with

00:01:10.184 --> 00:01:13.414

the Master of the planning

scheme. And that document that

00:01:13.414 --> 00:01:16.321

the interim publish generates

shows all formatting as per

00:01:16.321 --> 00:01:19.874

minister direction as well and

it allows users to see the

00:01:19.874 --> 00:01:23.254

draft provisions in context

with the whole provision. For

00:01:23.254 --> 00:01:27.843

example, if I did a modify of 21.01-3

I will

00:01:27.843 --> 00:01:29.608

see what that looks like.

00:01:30.190 --> 00:01:33.025

In the entire sub

clause of 21.01.

00:01:34.240 --> 00:01:38.486

If you recall from module 7,

the snapshot or that publish

00:01:38.486 --> 00:01:42.732

print PDF option in ATS

authoring only gives us a copy

00:01:42.732 --> 00:01:47.364

of what our amendment document will look

like in print form. So it's just

00:01:47.364 --> 00:01:48.522

the amendment document.

00:01:49.210 --> 00:01:53.060

And with those items that we've

selected from an instruction

00:01:53.060 --> 00:01:58.065

list, and another thing to note

is what is shown on a snapshot

00:01:58.065 --> 00:02:02.685

or an interim publish, and you

can see with an interim publish

00:02:02.685 --> 00:02:06.150

the amendment the proposed

amendment number and details are

00:02:06.150 --> 00:02:10.385

on the left side of the

document, and when it's a

00:02:10.385 --> 00:02:14.235

snapshot or publish print PDF,

you get system generated notes

00:02:14.235 --> 00:02:18.855

as well as the amendment number

at the top and the relevant

00:02:18.855 --> 00:02:20.395

details of each section too.

00:02:20.460 --> 00:02:24.560

So from the ATS landing

page on planning.vic.gov.au

00:02:24.560 --> 00:02:28.250

and you can see the URL


00:02:29.400 --> 00:02:34.145

We will use this URL to access

the interim published. So if I

00:02:34.145 --> 00:02:36.700

just click on the log in the

00:02:36.700 --> 00:02:41.465

URL. You will be asked to

login. Looks very similar

00:02:41.465 --> 00:02:45.415

to the Authoring area and

you put in your username

00:02:45.415 --> 00:02:46.600

and password there.

00:02:47.820 --> 00:02:51.069

For this demonstration, I will

be using the training

00:02:51.069 --> 00:02:55.040

environment. OK, so we here at

the interim publish page so let's key

00:02:55.040 --> 00:02:59.372

in our amendment number and give

it some time to appear below.

00:02:59.372 --> 00:03:02.982

Select what you require, I've

select that. Destination folder.

00:03:02.982 --> 00:03:07.675

That's a greyed out area. You don't

need to fill that in. The name

00:03:07.675 --> 00:03:11.285

suffix. Now. This depends what

stage you are through the

00:03:11.285 --> 00:03:15.617

amendment process. But at this

stage, I'm only draft. But I

00:03:15.617 --> 00:03:18.144

could call it draft one, draft 2

00:03:18.144 --> 00:03:22.084

draft 3. Every time I would

run an interim publish it

00:03:22.084 --> 00:03:25.344

creates another folder and

we'll see what that looks like

00:03:25.344 --> 00:03:28.930

shortly, but in this instance

I'll put in..I'll call this

00:03:28.930 --> 00:03:32.516

just draft for now. If you're at

authorization stage, you might

00:03:32.516 --> 00:03:33.820

call it authorization.

00:03:35.950 --> 00:03:42.090

Now, Uhm? This name you don't

need to put in the amendment

00:03:42.090 --> 00:03:46.050

number or the date they will

come through automatically once

00:03:46.050 --> 00:03:50.010

interim publish folders are

generated so I just will enter

00:03:50.010 --> 00:03:53.574

name. Now produce PDF

comparison. If I select that

00:03:53.574 --> 00:03:59.514

what this would do? It will give

me a copy of a document with a

00:03:59.514 --> 00:04:03.078

compare version. So it's similar

to the track changes.

00:04:04.810 --> 00:04:08.825

So I'll click that and you

can see once I select

00:04:08.825 --> 00:04:11.745

run interim publish, I will

receive an email.

00:04:12.940 --> 00:04:14.810

So I'll select run interim


00:04:16.200 --> 00:04:20.116

Only clicked that button once

because every time you click

00:04:20.116 --> 00:04:24.388

that button you will get another

folder and I've had that happen

00:04:24.388 --> 00:04:28.660

before. So you can see I've

got a confirmation that my

00:04:28.660 --> 00:04:33.288

request is being processed and I

just have to wait. So what will

00:04:33.288 --> 00:04:38.272

happen now is an email will be

sent to my email address and it

00:04:38.272 --> 00:04:42.188

will provide me with a URL link

to the particular interim

00:04:42.188 --> 00:04:45.036

publish folder. So we just

wait for that.

00:04:46.080 --> 00:04:51.098

OK, so coming back to our email we

can see we've now received an

00:04:51.098 --> 00:04:54.958

email with that relevant

amendment number and there is a

00:04:54.958 --> 00:05:00.362

URL so once clicking on this URL

it will take us to our interim

00:05:00.362 --> 00:05:03.836

publish folder. What happens

though if the interim publish

00:05:03.836 --> 00:05:08.082

fails, how will you know? We

know it's successful because if

00:05:08.082 --> 00:05:10.398

I just widen that email screen.

00:05:11.140 --> 00:05:14.580

We can see it's successful

completion and that was that

00:05:14.580 --> 00:05:18.020

reference number. This is, you

can say behind the reference

00:05:18.020 --> 00:05:22.492

number there, so if it's not

successful, how will I know as

00:05:22.492 --> 00:05:26.276

user, well what happens, you will

receive a an unsuccessful email.

00:05:27.140 --> 00:05:32.612

Which in fact looks like this

and it will note the amendment

00:05:32.612 --> 00:05:38.084

number and also what is wrong

with your amendment and why it

00:05:38.084 --> 00:05:43.556

has failed. If you're not able

to fix up the instruction list

00:05:43.556 --> 00:05:48.116

to get it to succeed, of course.

Contact planning support.

00:05:49.290 --> 00:05:53.022

OK, so coming back to the email

that we've received for this

00:05:53.022 --> 00:05:55.821

particular amendment, let's follow

the URL. Just clicking through.

00:05:55.821 --> 00:05:59.553

That'll open up a browser page,

make sure you are using Google

00:05:59.553 --> 00:06:02.663

Chrome and in all these whenever

using authoring, even interim

00:06:02.663 --> 00:06:06.395

publish. Just make that as

your default if you can. Now at

00:06:06.395 --> 00:06:10.749

the moment I cannot see my C2184

so if we just slide down

00:06:10.749 --> 00:06:14.170

just to have a look at the

folders, you don't necessarily

00:06:14.170 --> 00:06:17.902

have to do that, but you can see

there's some folders already

00:06:17.902 --> 00:06:19.768

existing. Now let's have a look

00:06:19.768 --> 00:06:24.480

at that. And why that has

happened? You can see within my

00:06:24.480 --> 00:06:27.272

interim publish folder, I

already have an interim

00:06:27.272 --> 00:06:31.111

publish generated on the 7th

of may. I've also called that

00:06:31.111 --> 00:06:35.648

draft as well. So every time you

create an interim publish with a

00:06:35.648 --> 00:06:39.138

different day, you will get

another sub folder under the

00:06:39.138 --> 00:06:43.326

main interim publish folder so

I can see there's one there. Now

00:06:43.326 --> 00:06:46.816

let's to access the documents

from this interim, publish what

00:06:46.816 --> 00:06:49.957

we'll do. We'll just go into

this particular folder.

00:06:50.870 --> 00:06:55.966

And we can now say what we've

generated. You can see the ones

00:06:55.966 --> 00:06:59.102

because I've selected this

produce PDF comparisons because

00:06:59.102 --> 00:07:00.670

I selected that checkbox.

00:07:01.820 --> 00:07:07.527

I get those compare files as

well. Now if I come to my

00:07:07.527 --> 00:07:09.283

amendment within the authoring

00:07:09.283 --> 00:07:14.024

system. I'll just work from the

Edit tab we'll have a look at

00:07:14.024 --> 00:07:17.708

some of the items that we've

included so I can see are

00:07:17.708 --> 00:07:21.699

expanding that. I can see this

18.0 one 1921. So what does that

00:07:21.699 --> 00:07:23.234

mean with an interim publish?

00:07:24.120 --> 00:07:28.420

And actually means that I have

documents with those relevant.

00:07:28.420 --> 00:07:32.720

In this case, subclause areas,

so subclause, because I've got a

00:07:32.720 --> 00:07:37.020

modify or actually, it's a

create for an subclause section

00:07:37.020 --> 00:07:42.180

18.01 I can see what my

amendment will look like against

00:07:42.180 --> 00:07:47.340

that subclause 18.01

So let's have a look at

00:07:47.340 --> 00:07:51.720

that. And to do that, select

all, select the compare files

00:07:51.720 --> 00:07:54.043

for this demonstration. Select

00:07:54.043 --> 00:07:58.477

the file. Download that

Downloads, at your bottom left

00:07:58.477 --> 00:08:03.529

of screen, just double click on

that or single click. You

00:08:03.529 --> 00:08:06.476

can see the subclause is

integrated transport 18.01

00:08:06.476 --> 00:08:09.844

And our subclause

sections. Now nothing's

00:08:09.844 --> 00:08:13.873

changed their. Nothing's changed

there, and here we are. This is

00:08:13.873 --> 00:08:16.837

a new subclass section that I

inserted and of course you can

00:08:16.837 --> 00:08:20.542

say I've got no text there, so

that then as you know I have to

00:08:20.542 --> 00:08:23.506

ask myself, do I still want this

new sub clause section inserted

00:08:23.506 --> 00:08:24.988

and why haven't I changed that

00:08:24.988 --> 00:08:30.808

text? OK, so just shut that one

now, another one which we might

00:08:30.808 --> 00:08:33.202

want to look at is 21.05.

00:08:34.090 --> 00:08:36.862

Now, what was that in our

amendment document?

00:08:38.190 --> 00:08:42.480

21.05 scrolling


00:08:43.980 --> 00:08:48.504

OK, that was a modify that was a

change. We're just adding,

00:08:48.504 --> 00:08:52.651

adding or deleting some some

items I suppose. So 21.05 I'll

00:08:52.651 --> 00:08:56.044

check, I'll download this compare

file. So again, download.

00:08:57.010 --> 00:08:58.458

And open that up.

00:08:59.730 --> 00:09:02.630

And what does this look like

against our master now?

00:09:06.310 --> 00:09:10.750

Now what has changed here and

you can actually see there's a

00:09:10.750 --> 00:09:14.080

few changes there. You can see

my proposed amendment.

00:09:16.230 --> 00:09:19.428

It looks very similar to what it

will look like in final form.

00:09:20.580 --> 00:09:21.650

As part of the master.

00:09:23.010 --> 00:09:26.471

Red for delete. Green for

including and there might be

00:09:26.471 --> 00:09:28.838

some blue for formatting. I think

there's some formatting changes

00:09:28.838 --> 00:09:30.679

on these Maps or images I should

00:09:30.679 --> 00:09:35.191

say. Um, and we've got some

reference changes there, so

00:09:35.191 --> 00:09:38.143

coming back, I'll just

actually close that web

00:09:38.143 --> 00:09:42.571

browser. So let's have a look

that was a modify I did a

00:09:42.571 --> 00:09:45.892

modify on this particular

schedule for schedule 2, so

00:09:45.892 --> 00:09:50.689

we'll download that and have

a look at what that will look

00:09:50.689 --> 00:09:51.058


00:09:52.100 --> 00:09:53.069

Come to here.

00:09:54.270 --> 00:09:57.570

And I think it was schedule

section 8, yeah it was so schedule

00:09:57.570 --> 00:09:59.670

Section 8 there was to be a

00:09:59.670 --> 00:10:02.496

modify but you can see I've

actually done no modification,

00:10:02.496 --> 00:10:06.654

so again I'd have to ask myself,

do I still need to keep that

00:10:06.654 --> 00:10:11.371

instruction item included in my

instruction list and if I found

00:10:11.371 --> 00:10:16.298

look there's no need for me to

have that modify item anymore, I

00:10:16.298 --> 00:10:20.846

can go back to my instruction

list in ATS tracking and remove

00:10:20.846 --> 00:10:24.257

that instruction item, and

that'll just remove that modify.

00:10:24.980 --> 00:10:29.336

Option there, closing that there

was one schedule that we created

00:10:29.336 --> 00:10:34.880

and that was when we included a VPP

for 43.04. So let's have a look

00:10:34.880 --> 00:10:39.632

at this one. Now of course it's

a new schedule, so there's

00:10:39.632 --> 00:10:43.592

nothing to compare against.

That's why we don't have a

00:10:43.592 --> 00:10:44.780

compare file, OK?

00:10:46.490 --> 00:10:51.040

But we can have a look at that

just to make

00:10:51.040 --> 00:10:54.290

sure that we've changed all the

relevant components of this

00:10:54.290 --> 00:10:55.915

schedule and make it meaningful.

00:10:56.800 --> 00:11:00.023

And you could see that's just

what's come through on the

00:11:00.023 --> 00:11:03.246

template, so of course there's no

compare changes. It's a whole

00:11:03.246 --> 00:11:04.711

new create for that schedule.

00:11:07.500 --> 00:11:14.080

So we've had a look at how we

generate that file and you can

00:11:14.080 --> 00:11:16.430

see another one was generated

00:11:16.430 --> 00:11:21.422

back on the 7th of may, so say for

example I went today and I did

00:11:21.422 --> 00:11:25.008

some additional changes to my

amendment document and I want to

00:11:25.008 --> 00:11:28.920

rerun the interim publish. I

could easily come back here and I

00:11:28.920 --> 00:11:33.484

might call this draft 2 or I'm

now going to go to send this

00:11:33.484 --> 00:11:34.788

for authorization or submitting.

00:11:36.350 --> 00:11:40.160

I might call it submit and again

I'll select run interim publish.

00:11:40.160 --> 00:11:45.113

So what that will in effect do?

It'll take a few minutes this

00:11:45.113 --> 00:11:49.304

the previous one. The draft one

took about probably about 10

00:11:49.304 --> 00:11:53.876

minutes to generate that email

to myself. OK, so we've got the

00:11:53.876 --> 00:11:58.067

email that took probably another

10 minutes. The other email came

00:11:58.067 --> 00:12:02.258

through for this amendment so we

could follow that link again,

00:12:02.258 --> 00:12:05.306

but if I lost that link for some

00:12:05.306 --> 00:12:08.912

reason, I ould easily come to

my amendment folder. Interim

00:12:08.912 --> 00:12:13.246

publish sub folder and then

the sub sub folder so just

00:12:13.246 --> 00:12:16.792

refresh your screen just to

make sure it's updated.

00:12:17.980 --> 00:12:22.413

So just from the browse, I'm in

ATS authoring from the

00:12:22.413 --> 00:12:23.219

browse option.

00:12:25.210 --> 00:12:28.760

Just open up that you can see

all of the.

00:12:29.610 --> 00:12:32.437

Interim publishes that have been

done, and this is the most

00:12:32.437 --> 00:12:35.007

recent ones, Submit. When I've

called that submit, and that's

00:12:35.007 --> 00:12:36.806

what that looks like. So I bring

00:12:36.806 --> 00:12:40.768

that open. And again drill down and

you can actually see all the

00:12:40.768 --> 00:12:43.688

folders and you can see I've

selected the compare function

00:12:43.688 --> 00:12:47.484

for that as well. Let's look at

a snapshot in a publish print

00:12:47.484 --> 00:12:49.820

PDF now. So if we just open up

00:12:50.520 --> 00:12:52.220

our amendment document here.

00:12:53.160 --> 00:12:55.068

Of course file type is document.

00:12:56.150 --> 00:13:00.638

From the publish tab, this again

is where we will get our

00:13:00.638 --> 00:13:05.126

snapshots or published print PDF

that we spoke about in the last

00:13:05.126 --> 00:13:06.248

module module 7.

00:13:07.660 --> 00:13:12.784

Hum and we can see we just open

that up, and that's when it's

00:13:12.784 --> 00:13:17.176

been generated last week and we

can actually just bring that to

00:13:17.176 --> 00:13:21.934

screen by clicking the eye icon and

we can see our amendment number and

00:13:21.934 --> 00:13:25.594

all the instruction items that

we've included with the relevant

00:13:25.594 --> 00:13:29.986

details. OK, this is not the

compare one. If you recall from

00:13:29.986 --> 00:13:34.012

the last module, I can compare

this, and here's a comparison

00:13:34.012 --> 00:13:38.038

was made against the snapshot

that was done at baseline level.

00:13:38.680 --> 00:13:40.558

And if I bring that in.

00:13:42.710 --> 00:13:48.050

And up, and let's have a look at

that one. This will be like the

00:13:48.050 --> 00:13:51.966

track changes version of our

amendment only, so that's only got

00:13:51.966 --> 00:13:55.526

those items from our amendment

whereas with the interim

00:13:55.526 --> 00:13:59.798

publish because I had this

modify for 21.01-1. When

00:13:59.798 --> 00:14:04.070

I look at an interim publish and

this is our interim publish

00:14:04.070 --> 00:14:08.698

folder here for 21.01, I get

the entire sub clause and the

00:14:08.698 --> 00:14:11.902

relevant sections in that. So

that's really the difference

00:14:11.902 --> 00:14:13.682

between the snapshot or publish

00:14:13.682 --> 00:14:16.948

print PDF. And the

interim publish.

00:14:19.730 --> 00:14:24.194

Now in our next module, we're

going to look at running a

00:14:24.194 --> 00:14:27.542

Refresh Amendment workflow.

What the process is and how

00:14:27.542 --> 00:14:32.750

you will know if you need to

run a refresh and what to do

00:14:32.750 --> 00:14:35.354

when it's overwritten some

of your changes.

Page last updated: 26/02/25