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In these online training video
for the amendment tracking
00:00:03.154 --> 00:00:04.750
system, we look at module 7.
00:00:05.430 --> 00:00:07.368
Printing an amendment
document and comparing
00:00:07.368 --> 00:00:11.244
content. We'll look at how you
can create a PDF of the
00:00:11.244 --> 00:00:13.505
amendment document and
compare changes and we'll
00:00:13.505 --> 00:00:16.735
also cover the snapshots and
how they are generated and
00:00:16.735 --> 00:00:20.288
how we can view one. We will be
using the ATS authoring
00:00:20.288 --> 00:00:21.580
system for this module.
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And there are online guides
available on our DELWP website.
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With planning support available,
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OK, so here we are in our ATS
authoring system. I'll bring up
00:00:37.511 --> 00:00:40.955
my amendment number that we were
working through it's C
00:00:40.955 --> 00:00:41.242
00:00:44.050 --> 00:00:48.021
Now let's navigate to the
publish tab and we'll see what
00:00:48.021 --> 00:00:49.465
we can view there.
00:00:52.180 --> 00:00:57.076
In this view, we can say the
snapshots that have been created
00:00:57.076 --> 00:00:59.116
at the time when we
00:00:59.710 --> 00:01:03.280
selected published print PDF,
RGB and that's these ones that
00:01:03.280 --> 00:01:07.207
look like the... It's got the
Adobe icon, so they've been
00:01:07.207 --> 00:01:11.491
generated in print form. It is
just a snapshot. A snapshot is
00:01:11.491 --> 00:01:15.775
just an image of your entire
amendment document at a point in
00:01:15.775 --> 00:01:20.773
time. So in this case I can see
for this item. This is a
00:01:20.773 --> 00:01:25.544
snapshot. A printed form
snapshot that was created on the
00:01:25.544 --> 00:01:29.900
13th of May 1143. There's one
here which is an updated
00:01:29.900 --> 00:01:34.256
baseline snapshot now that has
not been published to PDF form
00:01:34.256 --> 00:01:40.592
at this stage. But if I want to
see that in PDF form if I just
00:01:40.592 --> 00:01:45.740
scroll over to the right, open
that up, I can create an output
00:01:45.740 --> 00:01:50.492
of that snapshot. That image
that was taken at 10:10 on the
00:01:50.492 --> 00:01:51.680
7th of May.
00:01:52.450 --> 00:01:57.610
Just by selecting from
the drop down the RGB, print
00:01:57.610 --> 00:01:59.760
PDF RGB option and publish.
00:02:00.350 --> 00:02:06.910
And that's changed that icon to
be a PDF icon.
00:02:07.630 --> 00:02:09.460
When that's ready, I can view
00:02:09.460 --> 00:02:14.960
that. Open that up by clicking
the eye icon to view.
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Of course, that opens up another
browser tab window and I can see
00:02:20.396 --> 00:02:21.804
my amendment document here.
00:02:22.550 --> 00:02:27.170
OK, again I can compare this
particular snapshot, which is
00:02:27.170 --> 00:02:31.790
done at baseline. I can
compare that snapshot to a
00:02:31.790 --> 00:02:32.714
previous snapshot.
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So I might compare it to a
snapshot done today, so this
00:02:37.876 --> 00:02:39.874
will show me the changes that
00:02:39.874 --> 00:02:45.021
have occured. Between this
baseline at 7th of May to the
00:02:45.021 --> 00:02:46.278
13th of May.
00:02:47.140 --> 00:02:49.765
That's generated here
bring that to screen.
00:02:51.030 --> 00:02:57.386
Let's have a look what it shows
us. You can see the content that
00:02:57.386 --> 00:02:59.202
I've added and deleted.
00:02:59.900 --> 00:03:04.100
Green for add, Red for delete and
if you see blue, it's format
00:03:04.100 --> 00:03:07.600
changes. So there's some format
changes that have occurred here
00:03:07.600 --> 00:03:12.500
in it as well. We can see some
blue markings, so let me close
00:03:12.500 --> 00:03:17.230
that now. So now you can see
that updated baseline has been
00:03:17.230 --> 00:03:21.406
changed from a little camera
icon to a PDF. So just minimize
00:03:21.406 --> 00:03:22.450
that section there.
00:03:23.340 --> 00:03:27.564
To create a snapshot, you can
create a snapshot at any point
00:03:27.564 --> 00:03:29.676
in time through the drafting of
00:03:29.676 --> 00:03:32.928
your amendment. Also,
snapshots are created by the
00:03:32.928 --> 00:03:36.258
system. Now where are these
snapshots stored and will have
00:03:36.258 --> 00:03:40.254
a look at that. If I just
select the browse tab, just
00:03:40.254 --> 00:03:42.585
going to look at my amendment
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That's brought mean I'm just
making sure I'm in my amendment
00:03:48.860 --> 00:03:53.410
folder C2185 is he document
there. Now you can see all of the
00:03:53.410 --> 00:03:56.210
snapshots that have been
created. Anything that has
00:03:56.210 --> 00:03:59.010
amendment and within the
amendment number has been
00:03:59.010 --> 00:04:03.210
created by the user. Where you
don't see that, it's been created
00:04:03.210 --> 00:04:08.110
by the system. Let's have a look
at one that has been created by
00:04:08.110 --> 00:04:13.360
the system, so I'll bring up one
here and what we have here is an
00:04:13.360 --> 00:04:16.860
amendment folder and it shows us
snapshots generated by the
00:04:16.860 --> 00:04:20.993
system at particular phases of
the amendment document. You can
00:04:20.993 --> 00:04:25.997
see there's one at baseline, so
that was created at the time
00:04:25.997 --> 00:04:30.167
that the instruction list was
sent through to ATS authoring.
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One was generated at
authorization under
00:04:32.669 --> 00:04:35.588
consideration. Another was
generated where the amendment
00:04:35.588 --> 00:04:38.090
was at the stage of exhibition
00:04:38.090 --> 00:04:42.888
request submitted. So at every
stage of the amendment process,
00:04:42.888 --> 00:04:45.204
a snapshot will be generated by
00:04:45.204 --> 00:04:50.170
the system. Coming back to our
our own amendment folder, we can
00:04:50.170 --> 00:04:54.322
see those that are generated by
the user and then we'll come
00:04:54.322 --> 00:04:58.820
back to our publish tab and we
can see all the different ones
00:04:58.820 --> 00:05:02.626
here. So at any stage throughout
the drafting process you can
00:05:02.626 --> 00:05:05.740
create a snapshot by selecting
create snapshot creates a
00:05:05.740 --> 00:05:07.470
snapshot here to view that
00:05:07.470 --> 00:05:13.010
snapshot though. You can select
to print to PDF publish.
00:05:14.030 --> 00:05:18.385
It will publish a PDF version of
your snapshot and we can select
00:05:18.385 --> 00:05:20.395
the eye icon to open that up.
00:05:20.910 --> 00:05:22.960
And again we can compare.
00:05:23.780 --> 00:05:27.668
These snapshots, or printed
snapshots to any previous
00:05:27.668 --> 00:05:31.556
snapshots here as well,
snapshots cannot be deleted
00:05:31.556 --> 00:05:34.958
out of the file. They'll
always remain.
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In the next module module eight,
we will look at how we can run
00:05:40.962 --> 00:05:44.790
an interim publish viewing an
amendment in final form and how
00:05:44.790 --> 00:05:48.618
this is different to the current
snapshot and published print PDF
00:05:48.618 --> 00:05:50.358
options that we've been running.
Page last updated: 12/02/25