00:00:00.710 --> 00:00:04.280
In this module of the amendment
tracking system online training,
00:00:04.280 --> 00:00:08.207
we cover module 6 where we will
review and compare content.
00:00:09.210 --> 00:00:13.448
We will show you how you can use
the versions function in ATS
00:00:13.448 --> 00:00:16.382
authoring and he can make
previous versions as current.
00:00:16.940 --> 00:00:20.207
How you can copy content from a
previous version without losing
00:00:20.207 --> 00:00:23.474
all other changes and finally
will show you how you can
00:00:23.474 --> 00:00:26.444
create a PDF of the amendment
document and compare changes.
00:00:27.820 --> 00:00:30.238
Will be using the ATS authoring.
00:00:30.920 --> 00:00:32.616
part of amendment tracking
00:00:32.616 --> 00:00:37.014
system. And I forget that
online guides available on
00:00:37.014 --> 00:00:38.148
our DELWP website.
00:00:40.550 --> 00:00:44.792
And planning support are there
00:00:44.792 --> 00:00:45.499
00:00:45.499 --> 00:00:51.488
OK, so here I'm in
my dashboard in ATS
00:00:51.488 --> 00:00:56.020
authoring, so I would just enter
my amendment number and it'll
00:00:56.020 --> 00:00:57.256
take me to
00:00:58.130 --> 00:01:05.216
my amendment document straight
away. To look at the versions and
00:01:05.216 --> 00:01:06.788
the versions function.
00:01:07.570 --> 00:01:11.014
you have to work out of
view mode. It doesn't work out of
00:01:11.014 --> 00:01:15.032
the edit mode. So let's work in
the review mode. OK, so in our
00:01:15.032 --> 00:01:16.467
content just open up this
00:01:16.467 --> 00:01:19.158
content in another web browser.
00:01:19.950 --> 00:01:25.374
At this stage, we're not going
to click this to edit because
00:01:25.374 --> 00:01:30.346
versions only works when it's
out of edit mode, so the
00:01:30.346 --> 00:01:34.740
versions function is available
on these far right, so in the
00:01:34.740 --> 00:01:36.762
functions area. So if we just
00:01:36.762 --> 00:01:42.181
click versions. Let's have a
look what it shows us. It shows us a
00:01:42.181 --> 00:01:46.262
number of items and we can see
different versions, coming down.
00:01:46.262 --> 00:01:50.343
We can see if this system here
has generated a change.
00:01:51.010 --> 00:01:55.826
Or if a user has generated a
change and you can see on the
00:01:55.826 --> 00:02:00.298
8th of May train 1 user train
one did some changes in the
00:02:00.298 --> 00:02:03.050
content, saved the content which
created another version.
00:02:03.730 --> 00:02:09.697
On the 11th of May, at 308 again
user train one made some
00:02:09.697 --> 00:02:13.828
changes, saved the content and
another version is created.
00:02:13.828 --> 00:02:16.582
These versions occur at the time
00:02:16.582 --> 00:02:22.808
that the item is saved. So
what we might do, let's do a bit
00:02:22.808 --> 00:02:24.384
of a change, let's...
00:02:24.920 --> 00:02:28.772
I'll get out of my versions.
I'll actually go to the latest
00:02:28.772 --> 00:02:33.266
version so I can. I can Click to
open to edit. Let's make a
00:02:33.266 --> 00:02:37.118
slight change here. OK, so let's
insert some text here. We just
00:02:37.118 --> 00:02:41.933
type that in and just for the
sake of it, I might do some dot
00:02:41.933 --> 00:02:43.217
points here as well.
00:02:44.450 --> 00:02:47.230
What I'm going to do just
demonstrate how these versions
00:02:47.230 --> 00:02:50.844
work, so I'll just make those as
dot points as bullet points. I
00:02:50.844 --> 00:02:54.180
should say, and there we go and
I'll actually indent these
00:02:54.180 --> 00:02:55.570
these two bit further in.
00:02:56.280 --> 00:03:00.570
Increase the indent. Alright.
So as soon as I select save,
00:03:00.570 --> 00:03:01.857
what we'll do?
00:03:03.000 --> 00:03:07.260
I'll stay in these content
window. I'm not in edit mode.
00:03:07.260 --> 00:03:11.520
I will check my versions again.
So what we'll see is a new version
00:03:11.520 --> 00:03:15.425
that's been created today at
1009? If I have that unchecked
00:03:15.425 --> 00:03:19.685
it doesn't show me what changes
have been made between the
00:03:19.685 --> 00:03:23.235
version before. So once I select
show incremental difference what
00:03:23.235 --> 00:03:27.140
that is showing me is a
difference between my 1.15
00:03:27.140 --> 00:03:31.755
and 1.14, so
the difference between the 13th
00:03:31.755 --> 00:03:33.885
of May at 1009 and
00:03:33.910 --> 00:03:35.849
the 13th of May at 10:05.
00:03:36.370 --> 00:03:41.024
So if I wanted to see the
difference in a version that was
00:03:41.024 --> 00:03:44.962
created a few days ago, I'll
Scroll down and here's a version
00:03:44.962 --> 00:03:46.752
created on the 11th of May.
00:03:47.350 --> 00:03:49.611
And I've got that check of show
00:03:49.611 --> 00:03:54.778
incremental difference. And you
can see the difference was, I
00:03:54.778 --> 00:03:57.283
added some note boxes there.
00:03:58.160 --> 00:04:00.851
But that difference is only
between - It's an incremental
00:04:00.851 --> 00:04:03.542
difference that shows the
difference between 1.9
00:04:03.542 --> 00:04:09.060
and 1.8. It doesn't show me the
difference between 1.9
00:04:09.690 --> 00:04:13.902
And 1.15. So just
understand that, that's what it's
00:04:13.902 --> 00:04:14.955
showing. It's incremental.
00:04:15.860 --> 00:04:20.312
Say for example, if a change
has occured or I've done some
00:04:20.312 --> 00:04:24.393
errors and I've saved over my
work, you haven't lost that
00:04:24.393 --> 00:04:27.361
work, so you can come back to a
00:04:27.361 --> 00:04:31.327
previous version. And say, for
example, these changes done
00:04:31.327 --> 00:04:36.381
between 1.9 and what are we
now 1.15, If I've done all these
00:04:36.381 --> 00:04:40.713
changes and I've done the wrong
thing, I've made changes to the
00:04:40.713 --> 00:04:45.045
wrong part of content. I can
always come back to a previous
00:04:45.045 --> 00:04:49.016
version or to the original
version that was created at the
00:04:49.016 --> 00:04:51.904
time that the amendment
instruction list sent through
00:04:51.904 --> 00:04:57.319
to ATS Authoring. That's what we see
here. When you see.. a when it's a
00:04:57.319 --> 00:04:59.485
system local, it's like a system
00:04:59.485 --> 00:05:02.959
change. That usually occurs
when a change has occured in the
00:05:02.959 --> 00:05:06.369
instruction list, and so this
is basically what the master
00:05:06.369 --> 00:05:10.120
the master would look like. And you can
you actually bring that through
00:05:10.120 --> 00:05:13.871
and it's all green because it's
been added into your document
00:05:13.871 --> 00:05:17.281
and that's come from the
instruction list and this is
00:05:17.281 --> 00:05:21.373
what is in the master planning
scheme at this stage.
00:05:21.373 --> 00:05:24.101
Because my amendment hasn't been
processed through yet.
00:05:25.240 --> 00:05:30.790
So if I want to go back to to
the master in its original form,
00:05:30.790 --> 00:05:35.230
I would come back to the first
major and select make current.
00:05:35.230 --> 00:05:39.670
Be mindful you'd have to have a
look at what differences occured
00:05:39.670 --> 00:05:43.370
between these system ones, so
scrolling through it looks like
00:05:43.370 --> 00:05:47.504
there's nothing. That's really
changed their. So look at the
00:05:47.504 --> 00:05:52.340
next one. Yeah, there's no major
changes there, so if I wanted
00:05:52.340 --> 00:05:57.344
to. I could step through and
find the changes.
00:05:57.920 --> 00:06:01.404
And so, for example, if I want
to revert back to its original
00:06:01.404 --> 00:06:04.888
form and this is one that user
train one has been working on.
00:06:05.730 --> 00:06:07.146
And you can say there's some
00:06:07.146 --> 00:06:09.694
tables added. So I could easily
00:06:09.694 --> 00:06:13.170
come back to the version
00:06:14.580 --> 00:06:18.243
of the original master at the
point in time that that
00:06:18.243 --> 00:06:21.906
instruction list was created and
click make current. So if I
00:06:21.906 --> 00:06:25.569
click make current the current,
it's actually taken out, all of
00:06:25.569 --> 00:06:29.898
my changes. So what that would
do, it takes out all of the
00:06:29.898 --> 00:06:31.230
changes that I've done.
00:06:31.790 --> 00:06:37.553
Between 1.15 and the
version that I brought through
00:06:37.553 --> 00:06:41.981
1.14. OK so you can say
there's some tables there, it'S taken
00:06:41.981 --> 00:06:43.457
all of that out.
00:06:44.010 --> 00:06:48.267
Say for example, I've got
that current now... that's fine.
00:06:49.370 --> 00:06:52.791
And I'll come back onto the
latest version. Click on that
00:06:52.791 --> 00:06:54.657
now I've got the latest version
00:06:54.657 --> 00:06:59.700
to work from. And I can open
that in edit and do my changes. But
00:06:59.700 --> 00:07:03.540
say for example I did want to
have some of the content brought
00:07:03.540 --> 00:07:07.700
across in this latest version
and I need it to bring it across
00:07:07.700 --> 00:07:10.900
because there's some changes here,
from this version, there's
00:07:10.900 --> 00:07:15.060
some items here that I want to
bring through. So I can highlight
00:07:15.060 --> 00:07:18.860
those items. Copy. Turn off
the versions.
00:07:20.840 --> 00:07:22.760
Open in content edit.
00:07:23.310 --> 00:07:28.029
Then wherever that content, what
was required to sit, I'll create
00:07:28.029 --> 00:07:31.890
any paragraph and all paste that
new content in.
00:07:32.790 --> 00:07:33.930
And I can save.
00:07:35.330 --> 00:07:39.464
And again, if there's a bit of
content. I've saved my changes, so
00:07:39.464 --> 00:07:43.280
I'm not in edit mode. I'll come
back to my versions again.
00:07:43.800 --> 00:07:47.496
And say for example, these are
some content in...If I just look
00:07:47.496 --> 00:07:50.884
at this one here 1.14, what
have we got there?
00:07:51.700 --> 00:07:55.288
Say for example, I did want to
bring these note boxes in.
00:07:55.850 --> 00:07:57.450
I could highlight them.
00:07:59.890 --> 00:08:06.030
Get out of versions. Open my
00:08:06.030 --> 00:08:10.710
document in edit mode or my
content in edit mode. Come down
00:08:10.710 --> 00:08:13.440
to the area that I want these
00:08:13.440 --> 00:08:16.914
note boxes. I'll just create a
new paragraph and I'll paste
00:08:16.914 --> 00:08:20.939
them in. You can say there's
not boxes have appeared. So I'll
00:08:20.939 --> 00:08:22.223
just save those changes.
00:08:26.540 --> 00:08:31.220
That's an easy way where you can
work with versions and bring
00:08:31.220 --> 00:08:36.290
back part of content. Bring back
what the master was at the time,
00:08:36.290 --> 00:08:41.360
but you don't lose your changes,
so you can work back if needed
00:08:41.360 --> 00:08:45.650
and say for example. I'm not
happy with my most recent
00:08:45.650 --> 00:08:47.600
content. I can come back.
00:08:50.030 --> 00:08:52.388
Now let's close that browser?
00:08:52.920 --> 00:08:55.714
We've done our..we've saved
our changes. I can see I've
00:08:55.714 --> 00:08:57.746
saved them and we'll close at
browser now.
00:09:01.890 --> 00:09:07.047
So let's now print our amendment
document to PDF.
00:09:07.600 --> 00:09:11.155
So on our published tab, select
publish print PDF.
00:09:12.570 --> 00:09:14.430
And we select the RGB option.
00:09:14.970 --> 00:09:20.316
So that's created a print of my
document at 10:43 today.
00:09:21.150 --> 00:09:24.534
And when that's ready, that'll
give us the option to view or
00:09:24.534 --> 00:09:27.072
download, and I'll just will
view it on screen.
00:09:28.890 --> 00:09:32.090
Opening up another
browser window.
00:09:33.130 --> 00:09:37.459
And we'll see those dot points.
We can see those new dot points
00:09:37.459 --> 00:09:41.788
that have come across, but the
rest is the original form of the
00:09:41.788 --> 00:09:46.117
document. You see, there will be
no tables in here. Yeah, all the
00:09:46.117 --> 00:09:49.447
tables have gone. I'll just
close that browser window. Now I
00:09:49.447 --> 00:09:52.360
want to compare the version.
00:09:52.360 --> 00:09:55.968
So I might compare this
current version that I just
00:09:55.968 --> 00:09:59.301
printed to one that was
generated in the 12th of May.
00:10:01.210 --> 00:10:03.898
Selecting the one from the 12th
of May and I'll create a
00:10:03.898 --> 00:10:07.538
comparison. That will create
another PDF document showing me
00:10:07.538 --> 00:10:08.822
the track changes version.
00:10:09.520 --> 00:10:11.930
This will show me what the
document looks like now.
00:10:14.500 --> 00:10:18.922
With the changes marked up from
the 12th of May version.
00:10:19.500 --> 00:10:21.180
Let's bring that to screen.
00:10:21.780 --> 00:10:25.498
OK, and what we can see this is
the content that we're working
00:10:25.498 --> 00:10:28.644
with the version so you can see
the content I've included.
00:10:34.800 --> 00:10:38.390
Scrolling down that particular
content and you can see the
00:10:38.390 --> 00:10:40.185
tables that have been removed.
00:10:43.930 --> 00:10:45.834
Even the note boxes have
been removed.
00:10:47.920 --> 00:10:54.406
OK. Closing that, and that's how
you can have a look at your
00:10:54.406 --> 00:10:57.550
printed document and compare the
versions as well.
00:10:58.330 --> 00:11:01.906
In our next module we'll show
you how you can print an
00:11:01.906 --> 00:11:03.694
amendment document and
compare content and
00:11:03.694 --> 00:11:06.674
including that will have a
look at snapshot and how
00:11:06.674 --> 00:11:09.356
they are generated and how
we can view one.
Page last updated: 12/02/25