00:00:01.050 --> 00:00:04.592
In this video, for the amendment tracking system online guides we cover module 4 and we look at creating tables and a note box. We'll look at the table styles that can be used in Amendments. We'll insert a new table. Add a caption to a table. That's like having a table heading. Look at formatting the tables with different styles. We'll insert rows and also have a look at column widths. Then we will also go on to having a look at creating a note box that can be added to our amendment document and we'll of course create a PDF so we can see the changes that we've made to our amendment document.

00:00:41.700 --> 00:00:46.164
In this module we'll be using the ATS Authoring System. Of course, to author the document which is this application here. And don't forget we have online guides available on our website and you would navigate to the ATS authoring tab and there's some more videos there covering this particular topic and you can also get help through planning support planning.support@delwp.vic.gov.au

00:01:10.380 --> 00:01:14.781
Now here I am in our training environment for the demonstration. Now I'll locate my particular amendment number and it's C2185. I have a look at the folder it takes me to my amendment folder and there you go and now I can see my amendment document here. So of course, as we covered in module three, we only select the document type. So open up that now what we might do in this example is insert a new table in this particular set of content.
So 21.01-1 Resorts Profile open that up in content in editor. Now I'm actually working from the review tab. You can see I'm working for the review tab, that's why it's opened up another browser window and I'll open that up to edit. Now, but just go to the end of that particular bit of content.

00:02:10.597 --> 00:02:15.025
I'm going to create some two new paragraphs. So just create a couple of paragraphs in my first
paragraph I will insert a new table. Now, to do that, I'll navigate over to my functions and I will click the insert function. And there I can see insert table very similar to word.

00:02:32.750 --> 00:02:38.938
Now this table I'll have, I'll give it 5 rows and two columns. So now I can see my new table
here now just enter some data in the table. If I can write
that correctly. And here I have entered the relevant data for my table.

00:03:08.370 --> 00:03:13.466
Now what I want to do is give this table a specific caption and it's like the captions work as like a header to this table.

00:03:18.562 --> 00:03:23.658
Now we need to place the cursor with in any field within that table. And we'll select under Design you'll see the option for a table caption. At the moment it's not set, so once I click on that item I will add some details here.

00:03:48.000 --> 00:03:52.108
So I've added the detail, then I'll save that detail and now we can see the details. Now you can see I've done a misspelling, so let's go back in to re edit that so you can edit the table captions in this way as well. There you go and we'll save that. And now I've got the right details there. Now I've created this table within the amendment document straight within and I haven't
formatted this in any style, so it will be our default style. I just wanted to take you to a document which will show you the different styles and what they look like in final form. So just one moment and I'll take you to that section.

00:04:33.290 --> 00:04:38.373
Now with the different table styles. If we create a new table and we leave it as the default, which is this selection here? When we look at table styles. So if I go back to my document. Here and I have my cursor placed anywhere within that table and over to the far right again under the Design function. Look at the option for table styles, and that's at one with the paintbrush. And there the styles, and now the system does not give us the naming of this, but we have Style 1 top left style 2 the second one in and default which this particular table is set at is a bottom left one. So if I wanted to change that style to style one, I would select that and apply that change now. If we just  come back to this document here.

00:05:30.292 --> 00:05:36.196
This is what default the default style looks like. It has some row borders, doesn't have column
borders, has no borders and the top header is black. Has a black background table style one Is a table with no borders. And the top row that the header is just plain. There's no black fill in the back. Stop table style two has. Uh the header row as a black background and there are columns and row borders. You can see that there, just a very faint, so they're the difference between the different styles. So we got default Style 1 and style two. Now it's up to the user to determine what style is applicable for their document, and they're part of the document in accordance with ministerial direction.

00:06:39.510 --> 00:06:43.220
So returning to our amendment document, we have created a table. I will change this table that just created for temporary signs as table style one. We'll apply that. Now I want to make the first row of this table as a header. Oh, so How do I do that? So again I will select the entire row by clicking that arrow that points to the right.

00:07:03.525 --> 00:07:08.215
So if I select that, it selects the entire row and to the right again. I'm already here under the design function. There's a cell type here and I will check that to be a header cell. There we go there. OK. Now I'm happy with that new table that I've inserted, so what I'll do is scroll up right up to the top to save my changes. Save my changes. I'll close that web browser window. And I'll refresh that page. what I want to do is go back to this content.

00:07:45.780 --> 00:07:49.706
I'll stay out of edit mode for now and write down the bottom. I should see my new table. You can see the new table with this section for a temporary zone. Now let's have a look how we can copy. A table from word and will bring that into the content as well. OK, let's Come Back to our document. So we're here. I'll still remain in the same bit of section that I'm changing for this 21.0 one dash 1 resorts profiles. Open that in edit mode again. I'm working from the review tab so it's opened up another browser window Click to open to edit. I'll scroll right down to the last item and then this new paragraph.

00:08:35.840 --> 00:08:41.944
What I'm going to do is copy a table from a Word document. So I'll see what Word document I have here, I'll open up one. I'll open up one of these. OK so I have that document there, So what I'll do with that? copying the heading I'll just will copy. This time you can see there's a table. You can't see the borders, but I know it's a tables. I said I'll copy that and it it control C and I'll paste that in.

00:09:09.797 --> 00:09:13.988
I can right mouse click and paste if I wanted too. And there you go there and you can see the new table. Now that's is a quick copy from word paste into. Now what you can see here is some of the formatting items that come across. Because I have copied from word you could see all these text areas. You don't need to worry too much about that. It is recommended as I said as I covered that in module three, you really shouldn't copy tables or things straight from word into the document.

00:09:48.040 --> 00:09:53.032
Because it can copy code across and this is an example of what can happen when you copy a table from word straight into the document. The best thing would be to have the clipboard settings as paste plain and then recreate the table directly within the amendment document. In this case.

00:10:09.160 --> 00:10:14.152
I am going to do this and just copy straight from word what I'll do while I'm here. Let's have a look at these column widths now. At the moment, if I'm in the top table, I can click and drag the column width. So for example, this use is just too big and I don't. I don't like the look of it. I can click and drag. To make that column bit more narrow. In this instance, because I have copied it from word, I don't really get that option. Sometimes you do and again 'cause of this coding issue. You might get the option might not in as you can see I'm not getting that option there, so let me show you if you do get stuck with this in Authoring a document when you work with tables. If you wanted to change column width you can by just clicking anywhere within the cell or for example the column. And to the far right under layout. There is an option to for column width fit content and if I just use that drop down and at least I'll do as a percentage in this example and I'm going to have it at least 20% so at least 20%. Of my Table will be made up with the first column and you can see that's actually adjusted now.

00:11:38.460 --> 00:11:42.408
Now that I've been able to use that percentage, if you see if I just hover over that column now I get the option to drag that If I need to, just gotta try and grab it there you go and I can click and drag if I need it too. You can see I'm able to do that. Another thing that we will look at. Is changing the style too. Let's go back to our design. And we'll change that style too put this style 2.

00:12:17.160 --> 00:12:23.150
And apply. OK, now say for example, I didn't want this row  of information anymore. I can highlight that row. I just if I can just grab that. Arrow and he could say it's not grabbing. I'll just highlight that entire row an under layout there are options to either add or insert a row after this rather have selected Look at add a row before And I can delete a row. So if I wanted to delete this row.

00:12:54.970 --> 00:12:58.160
I could just come under layout and this option here to delete the row and there you
go. My row is removed If I had done that in error, I can just come under basic and the undo tab will bring that back. So what we can do now we'll come back to our document. I'll go to the Word document again and I'll copy the second table. And I'll paste it into a new paragraph. You can se that pasted through again, you seeing different formatting indifferent background options.

00:13:30.800 --> 00:13:34.580
Then what you would have seen if you created their table straight into the document and you can see it's got little text boxes here. You don't need to worry too much about that, but again, it is recommended that you don't copy directly from word.

00:13:46.200 --> 00:13:51.075
Now I'll again, I'll make that first row as a header, row, so I'll highlight the entire row
and under layout, sorry, design, I should say I will set the first row that I've just selected as the header cell and then I will again change the column width to be a bit Column width. At least change it 2% or it already has defaulted There you can see that's formatted a bitter nicer there. Now whilst we're in that table so long as my cursor is placed anywhere 'cause I want put a little caption to that table and I'll call that provisions. Then the last thing I might do here is I might make three. I'll just check what table style this one was under.

00:15:05.330 --> 00:15:08.619
Just select anywhere and place my cursor anywhere within the cell. leave it as default so we can
see the difference between the tables of those just to tidy up and you could see it again. It happened controls and I might as well do the same there. Just tidy up my work a bit.

00:15:58.177 --> 00:16:01.378
Save our work.

00:16:05.030 --> 00:16:10.274
And we'll close that browser and will refresh this window. F5 to

00:16:15.650 --> 00:16:17.567
There you go, we can see all three tables insert a note box into italics it
Course will open up this content to edit and let's place a note particular table here. So to do
that we want to insert a new So insert that. The new note box will put it similar to what looks like.

00:17:17.070 --> 00:17:20.526
I'll just copy some text here Across print PDF and touch on it now clicked create comparison. And we can see the items that have created brought into the including those note boxes down
there and the tables.

Page last updated: 12/02/25