00:00:01.520 --> 00:00:05.256
Module three of our videos regarding the amendment tracking System foundation level training, covers ATS authoring.

00:00:13.710 --> 00:00:17.874
We'll be providing an overview of ATS authoring and how we can change settings, how the amendment document can be accessed. We'll show you how to edit and format content. We'll copy from word using clipboard. Reposition content and also show you how you can create a PDF of the amendment document and compare changes that have been made throughout the process of authoring your document and what to do if content is locked. As we've seen previously the amendment tracking system is made up from different applications, and we're particularly looking at the ATS Authoring side. Don't forget there's online guide available on our planning.vic.gov.au website.

00:00:59.740 --> 00:01:05.716
And guides for authoring are located and the Authoring Tab, and there's also support available planning.support@delwp.vic.gov.au. To access our amendment documenting ATS authoring, there's a couple of ways that we can do that. The 1st way is from the amendment tracking system where once we find our amendment particular amendment number.

00:01:31.830 --> 00:01:34.266
We move over to the right. And from this dropdown choose action select details. Now in the amendment detail screen. We can see there is a
URL and in this instance I'm using a training site, but you
would see the URL taking you to the live authoring site. You just click on that URL.
Follow that URL and it would take you directly to you the amendment folder and what we can see here. If I just slide
it down, my slide by down I can see I've now been taken to my C2184 gumnut folder. That's my amendment folder. And then in it
I can see my amendment document.

00:02:22.420 --> 00:02:27.120
And that's one way you can find your amendment document. And enter. To author as well just double click on that. Another way that we can access
the ATS authoring site is from our landing page ATS landing
page on planning.gov.vic.gov.au. We can select the log into ATS Authoring Button and this will take us straight to the ATS authoring application where I
can log in? To access my document.

00:03:02.110 --> 00:03:07.262
And once we are logged in to our authoring system, I can use the option from the browse tab which is where I am at the moment. You might be taken to
the dashboard tab from the menu we just picked browse. And we can just select C2185 to see our amendment document. And it's taken us directly to our amendment folder and we can see our document here.

00:03:31.730 --> 00:03:34.705
Always select the file type Document. In addition to that, from this screen, what we can see is this filter option. Now this filter
option will have either all files to be selected and if I select all and show you everything that we've selected,
all the document contents and everything and images that have come through from the master file has come through into this
amendment folder. We can see our baseline snapshots have come through and these are some updated baseline snapshots
that have come through with resubmissions of instruction lists. So at all times just make sure you select the amendment Document.

00:04:17.300 --> 00:04:21.700
I do recommend just so we don't select the wrong files. From this state, I would alway suggest to have the options of snapshot selected. And
therefore you won't select the actual wrong content. So  always select the amendment document.

00:04:41.660 --> 00:04:43.388
Now that we're in our amendment document. We can see we have different tabs across here
we've got edit, publish, metadata and review. Now the difference between edit and review is the way the user wants to work. Working in edit from the edit tab I can see all of my content or all of the items that I've selected from my instruction list to author. From edit I can set items that I've chosen to modify. If I Scroll down. I can also see items that I've selected and included in my instruction list from ATS tracking to add the following ordinance will be added after car parking. Also down the bottom I can see the items that I've chosen to delete so those, this particular sub clause I've chosen to delete. If I want to expand all of these items from my edit tab, I can just click this top down arrow next to Document structure.

00:05:51.080 --> 00:05:56.108
And that expands all of the content from within. So I have what my instruction was instructed to do for this document and the content. So it's only those ones here with one of the document. It looks like a little page with a turned over dog eared, that's where I would go into authoring to open to.

00:06:14.400 --> 00:06:16.230
Also, you must select the pen. And that will open to edit now because I'm on my edit tab, opens in the same browser window, so I can do whatever changes I would like to do at this stage. Once I've done my changes, I can select save. Working from the review tab very similar, however I have the option to search for particular parts of sections within my amendment document. So say for example I had a very complex amendment document and I didn't want to scroll through pages an pages a list of of information I can use this function to search for my document items. So I'll search for 43.04. Now here it brings me up the results so I can see there's for some content for the DPO schedule number and that would be the schedule that I've included created in my instruction list. And the schedule there. So if I'm particularly want that section, you can now say the screens taking me to that relevant area straight away. Review tab now if I want to edit that section. I'll select that icon to edit in content editor.

00:07:42.010 --> 00:07:45.718
That will then open up and then we'll open up another browser window. Now, if you recall when I worked out of the edit tab, that did not occur. So I'm now just in that relevant part of content within my moment document and by selecting the pen again I'm now ready to edit so it's like a two step process. I'll save that work.

00:08:13.780 --> 00:08:15.640
Close this web browser window. And I've come back to the review
tab. There's different ways that you can access the content from within your amendment document. Depending how confident you are with you using the system, you might easily like to workout of the edit tab. Or you prefer to work at the review tab, knowing that when I work out of the review tab, it will open up another browser window.

00:08:46.040 --> 00:08:50.440
Now once we're in our amendment Document. One thing I want to point out is some of the functional settings here. We have settings, which once we change this, it will remain the same, so once I log out and come back into the system, however, I've left this if I've opened up the document in review mode, it will always open up the document review mode going forward. Also
from this screen we can see there's a help icon and by selecting the help icon, there's a walk me guide it and it will walk you through different instructions. Now be mindful this product that we use for the authoring of our amendment documents is used by a number of businesses around the world and it might be insurance companies, and so there's a lot of settings within this ATS Authoring program that will be a global setting that might not be turned on for the use of What we need it for and for the authoring of amendments So just be mindful of that There is a help, so there is a help guide there. I would recommend users going to our online training guides. Another area that might be useful is when you first get your ATS Authoring password and log on you can change the password an in any stage and so here I canjust select change password enter my old password enter my new and select change. Now coming back to our moment document. Other areas that I would like to point out is once I am in a particular part of content to edit and save, for example are going to a modify for a subclause. We have this subclause header. And the section that I want to change so I can choose to change the header if I wish this again by the clicking on the pen or the content again selecting the pen
and going into edit mode. What we can see here? We're not in edit mode yet to thin blue line around our content. To the far right we have options that appear as I click through put certain parts of my document and their options change they're dynamic this menu and I call these functions - change. As I movethroughout my amendment document.

00:11:21.524 --> 00:11:26.360
One tip, if you like, is I have my content items, under settings content items I've got showed boundaries and show controls on now this is really useful if you're struggling with working through a particular document and you have spaces appearing in the final form and you need to edit those spaces out, you are unable to do that using the normal delete Keys because it's locked for some reason, and often it happens with lists or tables. What you can do is make sure you have your show boundaries and show controls checked and there's a little option. Once you have show controls, check there's a little option. To the far right, if I just select in edit mode of course now I know I'm edit mode 'cause
I have my thick blue border around this particular bit of content. If I select that cog the top right of that paragraph. Select that cog. I now have a
button to delete and it's deleting this element so that click that delete button What that would do is delete that entire paragraph. Now that works well if you're trying to delete an entire list rather than, you know, backspace backspace backspace. So if I select the cog and I select delete, my entire list is gone. Now if I didn't want to do that, and I've done a mistake, I can just come back here and under basic I just. Open up that function There is an undo key.

00:12:53.900 --> 00:12:56.275
OK, or alternatively, don't save your changes. So what we can see here with the general formatting we have paragraphs we have
heading styles. Now I can only see these outline boxes because again under settings I have my show boundaries checked. If I uncheck that. You see a
difference in appearance with editing.  OK, so all work in thi demonstration. I'll work with my show boundaries and that the way I prefer to work anyway. I can see there's all different heading styles. To format content. In terms of heading styles, or bulleted lists. Just to the far
right, we have our basic functions. So I can bold text. I can change to italics If I'm in a particular bit of content, say for example within a paragraph within a heading, if I just click my cursor within this paragraph, I can then select the heading styles. We have heading 1 heading 2 and heading three. Now just make sure whatever heading styles you choose are in accordance with ministerial direction.

00:14:06.740 --> 00:14:12.300
With lists. We can say that there's bulleted lists there, it looks like this blank paragraphs, but it's actually not that could be coming from. I
guess previous content that's been imported. But if I wanted to create a new paragraph and I'll insert a new paragraph under this particular section got my new paragraph just hit the enter key and I could enter some text. And so, for example, I had some site information. Global works, just entering anyinformation here. And pool sites and say for example, I want to create this as a bulleted list. I would have my text here and easily to the far right. I would check the bulleted list option for formatting. And that creates a bulleted list. You can see that changing.

00:15:20.940 --> 00:15:25.296
I can also, if I need to indent certain content, further select the content and I have now the option to increase the Indent. OK, now there are rules with
this authoring system, you can only indent into 2 level of a bullet point and they do appear different when we print this document.

00:15:45.160 --> 00:15:50.607
Now say for example, if I wanted to copy some of my information from a Word document, I will access my Word document from my folder. And here I am. I've go my Word document and say for example, I want to create. I'm going to put this into than you So I'll just copy that from word. Return to my Amendment Document. And I'll just save the previous changes that I've done. Don't forget always save your changes. Just to confirm. So I'll find my area for for some new content And here we are here and I'll get into that relevant content section, open for edit and now I'm in edit mode. Now 'cause I have my thick blue borders at the end of this new paragraph. As I've copied the information from my Word document, I can just paste that directly. Into my new paragraph so we can see.

00:16:54.070 --> 00:16:58.854
This is a new information here Now, say for example I want to change the policy basis heading to a heading style two to be in accordance with Ministerial direction. I can just make sure my cursor is placed anywhere within this section of content and click. I didn't need to
highlight the entire text, it will change everything within that area or that boarded area. Now I have copied a bulleted list from word.

00:17:24.500 --> 00:17:28.713
Now I have copied a bulleted list from word. It's recommended that you don't copy lists from word that you actually would use it as import items from word is clean text. I will change this particular paragraph. This paragraph of this item here to heading style 2 as well so you can see that change. Now. If I create a new paragraph just by selecting my enter key. What we can see here is it's created a new bulleted list and I didn't want that. I want a new paragraph outside of this bulleted list. If that ever occurs. When you're editing a document. Push your enter key twice, so double click you enter key and now I know I've got two paragraphs, but it actually allows you to get out of the list.

00:18:17.328 --> 00:18:21.497

Another tool if that ever happens and you're stuck in a list and you can't, create a new paragraph at the top right. As long as you have your show, remember it show boundaries, show control. long as you have that on you can select that option. I can insert a paragraph. An empty  paragraph below, and that does the same thing, so that's inserted. An empty paragraph below this particular list a couple of tools there double clicking your enter key or
double hitting double hitting your enter key very quickly is one of the easiest ways to do that. Now, if I want to copy that same content from word and say, for example, I copied this bulleted list again and I bring that back into my limit document, it is suggested that under clipboard settings you would use this paste plain. You would have that checked and always paste plain. So if I paste the text in you can see it
hasn't come up with those dots and then from then I can then create my bulleted list. So through my formatting functions here, so under basic.

00:19:26.730 --> 00:19:30.217
And bulleted list and they go have a bulleted list and what we can do, So there's it of formatting there also  if I had a bit of content that I
want to reposition and I didn't want to have to change the entire or re type the entire area, there is a way using the under the clipboard function where you can move an item up and down and what that means if I select, for example, this particular list and I wanted i to appear. After the list below, I can select the move down option OK and keep moving the list down.

00:20:11.440 --> 00:20:14.401
Alright, so that's actually moving that list down and again you can even move the list up if you wish, and that's one way you can
reposition content. Before I actually save the changes, I might just delete a bit of content here, so I'll just
select all everything unde objectives. Just as an example and delete that entire paragraph, OK.

00:20:32.890 --> 00:20:36.778
Save our changes and again we've worked from the edit tab, so there's no need to refresh our page or to close browser tabs. Now let's now save
the changes that have currently done. Let's have a look at what that looks like in PDF form or  print. Print copy of our document. So what we can do and it is suggested after you save your changes and if you especially if you've done a lot of changes in a complex amendment. I would at least come here to the published tab and create a snapshot. Or published print PDF and we're going to go into the difference between these two in another module.

00:21:16.565 --> 00:21:20.360
But for this example, what will do is, select publish print PDF? CMYK will be a high resolution print. No need to do that and published web PDF. We
don't use that, so let's just use a publish print PDF. So once I select that, what is the noccurring, the system is now
generating a copy of my   amendment document. This is only my amendment document with the items that I've selected from my
instruction list. It'll show me the changes that have occurred.

00:21:48.620 --> 00:21:52.052
And it'll be - it won't. This is not a document that will show me track changes. it will show me the changes that have actually put into the system that's
appeared now here. So let'  select the eye icon. You can download it if you wish. If you need to send that off, but
let's choose the eye icon. Have a look at our document and we'll be able to see our amendment document. This is not what the
document will look like in final form, and we can see that because it's got all of the  items that we have selected. And you can see the areas that I've deleted and removed, but of course this isn't a document that will show you the differences.Or track changes. One way you can look at your document to see as a comparison is compare it to a particular snapshot taking at a particular time. So let's have a look if I took it, I'll compare it to the baseline. Now this is comparing my document to the time when the amendment document was created, originally at 151 on the 5th of May.

00:22:53.940 --> 00:22:57.444
So select that create comparison. Now this will generate a PDF that I can viewwith the same options to either download or to view on screen. When that's ready, I'll view that on screen just by selecting the eye icon. Now what will be able to see Are the differences between. What the master did look like and the changes have made, sol we've got some formatting changes here in blue, we've got some deleted items in red. And if I Scroll down in my
amendment document. I'll see some added items here in green. And that's an easy way we can look at your amendment document and the
changes that have occurred.

00:23:45.940 --> 00:23:49.612
Now the last thing I want to show and demonstrate is what happens if you enter into an amendment document to do some authoring and then when yowork from the edit tab or if you come from the view tab. But you see some content is locked what to do So what we can see here on
screen is that this particular ordinance 22.07-1. Is actually locked. It's got a lock beside it. So if I select that icon, it says that it's
locked by another user. OK, so now what you need to do is contact that user and get the to reopen that content. Either save their changes or discard whichever one it is that they choose so you'll know who that  person is going to have their name. And get them to get out of that bit of content and therefore you'll be able to access it like you would with any other sections. OK, so that's a bit of a tip there.

00:24:41.830 --> 00:24:46.042
So we've looked at the settings in ATS authoring, how we can access the document, how we can edit and format content, how we can use work, the copying function, and copy items from word. Again, it's recommended that you clean the text by using the clipboard tool to remove any
coding. How we can reposition reposition content? Creating a PDF of the amendment an what to
do if the content is locked?

00:25:08.540 --> 00:25:12.440
In module 4 we'll look at how we can create a table and a note box and how we can format tables and will also create a PDF of the document and compare changes as well.

Page last updated: 12/02/25