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In this video, we provide users of the amendment tracking system or ATS,
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an overview of the system and its different components.
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We also show how users can gain access. Firstly, what is ATS? The amendment tracking system is a digital system that includes a centralised database of planning scheme information and amendments.
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Planning authorities who want to make a change to a planning scheme need to use ATS where they can create an amendment; draft required changes to the planning scheme; and where an amendment can be submitted and tracked online.
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ATS improves access to planning information for community,industry and local government. This diagram of the amendment tracking system shows the various products and tools that are used to enable and support the amendment process.
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ATS tracking, in particular, the online portal, is accessed by staff from planning authorities such as councils and the department to create an amendment, select ordinance changes submit forms,request a panel preset or hearing and track the status of an amendment. Dynamics and SharePoint are other products that form part of ATS tracking.
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These products are only used by staff from the department. Data that is submitted from the online forms gets stored into dynamics.
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Any supporting documents such as an explanatory report or instruction sheet gets stored into SharePoint. ATS authoring or the Keystone system is a product that is used to edit details within selected ordinance.
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Keystone is only used when an amendment includes changes to ordinance of a planning scheme. Keystone includes functionality to produce a PDF of ordinance in final form and content, also known as an interim publish.
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The ordinance changes tool that is available from the amendment detail screen when in the ATS tracking portal will need to be used to select the ordinance that is being changed as part of the amendment. When an amendment gazettes, the final drafted ordinance will be used to update the ordinance master copy that is also used in planning schemes online.
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So let's take a look at ATS where users can access or create a new amendment and we'll show where the ordinance changes tool can be found and how users can easily navigate to an amendment document in ATS authoring.
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We'll also show how users can navigate to the appropriate forms to submit the amendment to the department or where they can request a panel preset or panel hearing. Don't forget too that ATS tracking provides an easy way for users to track the status of their amendments.
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The link to the amendment tracking system is available from the planning.vic.gov.au website and you can use a search website functionality here and if I just type in ATS, you can see various results and we are looking for the amendment tracking system. On this page you can access the links to login to the amendment tracking system in.
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You can also log directly into authoring or the interim publish module, but usually you would log into the amendment tracking part of the system and to the right of screen is where you can find additional guidance and materials. Clicking on the logging into amendment tracking system. So I would log in with my username and password. Now I'm actually logging into a test system, so there is only test data in this system, so I log in with my username and password that I would've signed up with.
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Clicking sign in.I navigate to my dashboard and in my dashboard I can see any active amendments where I am the primary contact. So these are amendments that either I have created or where I have been listed as a primary contact as well.
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All active is showing me any active amendments that have been initiated by the organisation that I work in.
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And this is test data and I'm playing the role as a planner from Nillumbik. Also, another tab will show you finished or completed amendments as well.
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You can search for a particular amendment by entering any key word.
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I'll enter amendment number, hitting enter key, and I can find that particular amendment.
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There is also extra filters available if needed. If I wanted to change my name or my profile, I can click on the profile, top right of screen and select update profile. I can change my name as needed.
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Also available under the profile is an area where current users of the system can add additional users to the system via the managed group's function. Selecting managed groups, you'll see the list of users or members of the group that you belong to.
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And here you can add in a new member or delete an existing member. It's important to note if I do add in a new user to the portal to this ATS tracking portal. If they need access to the authoring system, an email will need to be sent to planning.support@delp.vic.gov au navigating back to the dashboard,
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if I wanted to see an existing amendment detail,I can see there's one here that an amendment has been already submitted to the department with the status of authorization. Under consideration, I'll choose this one, this draft amendment and it's GC amendment.
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I'll just open up that. Looking at the details page of the amendment, I can see the amendment classification titles. Also the affected planning schemes here.
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In this case being a 20 part four, I can see the relevant stages that a 20 part four amendment goes through.
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There are buttons here below the details.
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If I want to change ordinance or select ordinance to change from the planning schemes, I would select the ordinance changes tool.
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If I'm ready to submit this amendment to the department, I can choose the amendment application form. There are options as well. These options that appear on this detail screen depends on the status that the amendment is at. If there are ordinance instructions already as part of this amendment, they'll be available as well in a list. Selecting ordinance instructions,I can easily see what ordinance has been selected with particular actions and as there have already been ordinance changes selected.
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As I can see down here as well, there is a link already available to ATS authoring and I can click this link to go to the authoring system. Navigating this system is easy where I can navigate back to my dashboard by select the my dashboard link at the top right of screen or even through the breadcrumbs available top left screen.If I was to find a particular amendment needs a change in the primary contact, for example, this one here if I needed to change the primary contact can just navigate to the amendment detail screen and update the primary contact.
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Completing this form and saving the form will enable the contact to be updated. We see that contacts updated there which will be reflected in the dashboard as well. Again, if I select all active, I can see that C 1 0 5 3 has the primary contact updated. To start a new amendment, it's easy you click the start amendment button and you just fill in basic details for the amendment, which include the primary contact, selecting the relevant contact. I'll just choose this particular contact.
Amendment title the relevant planning scheme by default it takes me to the planning scheme or the group that I belong to but if it was to choose another planning scheme such as Banyule automatically the amendment type does change to a GC. Only department staff get access to the VPP, which will then drive if the amendment is a V or VC amendment. Classification is important because that determines the stages an amendment goes hrough. If the amendment only contains maps of course you won't need to use the ATS authoring the Keystone system but if it includes ordinance or both ordinance and maps you'll have to do authoring in Keystone as well. So I'll choose the amendment to be exhibited and that this amendment is going to affect both ordinance and maps of the planning scheme.
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And I'll choose "No" that this amendment does not add or remove an incorporate document.
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Now my submit button is active. It's active because I've completed those required fields. Once I select submit the system will allocate the particular amendment number and in this case because I've chosen two planning schemes it will be a GC amendment. Once created we get the amendment number and we can see the ordinance changes tool from the amendment details.
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To get access to the system new users can register by selecting the signup link that is available from the login screen. However the easiest way to gain access is for an existing user from the same organisation to use the managed group function that is available under their profile. An email will still need to be sent to planning.support@delwp.vic.gov.au for the new user to be provided access to ATS authoring. Key things to remember when using when amendment includes changes to ordinance users must access and use the ordinance changes tool which is available from the amendment detail screen. ATS authoring or the Keystone product should then be used to enter the details of the proposed changes in the selected ordinance. Changes may include new provisions updates to existing provisions that may include replacement of images as well. It's in ATS authoring where users can also perform a health check to ensure that the ordinance remains structurally correct or if any parts of their selected ordinance requires a refresh or new copyfrom the master which can be accessed after running the refresh amendment workflow process.
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The interim published module of the authoring system can be accessed while the user is in the amendment document as well. It's interim publish that will show a PDF of ordinance in final form and content. The other modules in these learning videos cover many of these topics. There is a community of ATS users and also support available. The schemes and amendments.Yamma community is a member only community where users of the systems can post feedback questions and where they can receive timely updates.
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The team from planning support can assist with all technical questions.It's best to email them at planning.support@delwp.vic.gov.au. Online guides are also available from the planning.vic.gov.au website, just navigate to the ATS landing webpage.
Page last updated: 12/02/25