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Description of proposal
Use and development of the land for a utility installation (power lines), associated buildings and works and removal of native vegetation Specifically, it is proposed to upgrade the existing 1.3-kilometre 220kV single circuit transmission line between the Red Cliffs substation and the NSW/Victorian border with a new 1.3-kilometre 220kV double circuit transmission line The proposal comprises: —site establishment works including vegetation clearance, minor access track improvements and construction of tower pad and laydown areas —construction of about 1.3-kilometres of new double circuit transmission line supported by four new transmission line monopoles. At two of the four locations, a double pole arrangement is proposed. At the remaining two locations only a single pole structure would be installed —decommissioning of the existing transmission line is also a part of the scoped activities, once the upgraded transmission line is operational. Decommissioning activities would include removal of all existing towers, fittings and conductors from the corridor —vegetation removal required to maintain appropriate clearances between ground vegetation and transmission lines. Vegetation above four-metres in height, within a 50-metre corridor below transmission lines would require ongoing maintenance throughout the operation to ensure electrical safety clearances and protection zones are maintained. The required clearance of vegetation within the corridor would be undertaken in accordance with TransGrid maintenance guides.
Application details
Application received
Date: 23/06/2021
Public notice
Date of Notice: 04/08/2021
Responsible authority decision
Decision: Permit
Date of decision: 11/11/2021
Supporting documents
- PA2101252-718 Woomera Ave Red Cliffs-EnergyConnect- Application Form-220621.pdf
- PA2101252-718 Woomera Ave Red Cliffs-EnergyConnect- Planning SubmissionApplication Documentation-230721.pdf
- PA2101252-718 Woomera Ave Red Cliffs-EnergyConnect-Appendix A-Titles-220621.pdf
- PA2101252-718 Woomera Ave Red Cliffs-EnergyConnect-Appendix B-Plans-220621.pdf
- PA2101252-718 Woomera Ave Red Cliffs-EnergyConnect-Appendix C-Consent of PV-220621.pdf
- PA2101252-718 Woomera Ave Red Cliffs-EnergyConnect-Appendix D-Flora and Fauna Impact Assessment-230721.pdf
- PA2101252-718 Woomera Ave Red Cliffs-EnergyConnect-Appendix E-Historic Heritage Due Diligence Assessment-220621.pdf
- PA2101252-718 Woomera Ave Red Cliffs-EnergyConnect-Appendix F-Landscape and Visual Amenity Assessment-220621.pdf
- PA2101252-718 Woomera Ave Red Cliffs-EnergyConnect-Appendix G-Preliminary Site Assessment-220621.pdf
- PA2101252-718 Woomera Ave Red Cliffs-EnergyConnect-Appendix H-Hydrology and Flooding Impact Assessment-220621.pdf
- PA2101252-718 Woomera Ave Red Cliffs-EnergyConnect-Appendix I-Bushfire Management Statement-220621.pdf
- PA2101252-718 Woomera Ave Red Cliffs-EnergyConnect-Appendix J-Geotechnical Desktop Study-220621.pdf
- PA2101252-718 Woomera Ave Red Cliffs-EnergyConnect-Appendix K-CEMP-230721.pdf
- PA2101252-718 Woomera Ave Red Cliffs-EnergyConnect-Appendix L-CHMP approval notice - Electricity Networks Operations.pdf
Permit details
Application number: PA2101252
Type: Application for planning permit
Address of Land:
Contact us
Development Approvals
Department of Transport and Planning