On this page:
Description of proposal
Use and development of the land for a museum and restaurant, associated buildings and works, removal of native vegetation, construction and display of business identification signage, and the creation of access to a road in a Transport Zone Schedule 2 (TRZ2).
Application details
Application received
Date: 15/03/2024
Public notice
Date of Notice: 15/04/2024
Responsible authority decision
Decision: Permit
Date of decision: 7/6/2024
Supporting documents
- PA2402805-24 Churchill Road Newhaven- Architectural Plans and UCR.pdf
- PA2402805-24 Churchill Road Newhaven-Application Form and Title.pdf
- PA2402805-24 Churchill Road Newhaven-Architectus Briefing.pdf
- PA2402805-24 Churchill Road Newhaven-Bushfire Assessment.pdf
- PA2402805-24 Churchill Road Newhaven-Cost Plan.pdf
- PA2402805-24 Churchill Road Newhaven-Economic Impact Analysis.pdf
- PA2402805-24 Churchill Road Newhaven-Land Capability Assessment.pdf
- PA2402805-24 Churchill Road Newhaven-Land Management Plan.pdf
- PA2402805-24 Churchill Road Newhaven-Landscape Brief.pdf
- PA2402805-24 Churchill Road Newhaven-Landscape Schematic Design.pdf
- PA2402805-24 Churchill Road Newhaven-Native Vegetation Assessment.pdf
- PA2402805-24 Churchill Road Newhaven-Planning Report.pdf
- PA2402805-24 Churchill Road Newhaven-Stormwater Management Strategy & Memo.pdf
- PA2402805-24 Churchill Road Newhaven-Sustainability Management Plan.pdf
- PA2402805-24 Churchill Road Newhaven-Traffic Report.pdf
- PA2402805-24 Churchill Road Newhaven-Waste Management Plan.pdf
Permit details
Application number: PA2402805
Type: Application for planning permit
Applicant name: National Vietnam Veterans Museum Ltd.
Applicant address: 25 Veterans Drive Newhaven VIC 3952
Address of Land:
24 Churchill Road Newhaven VIC 3952
Development Facilitation Program
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Development Approvals
Department of Transport and Planning