On this page:

Description of proposal

Use and development of a solar energy facility and utility installation (battery storage), removal of native vegetation and alteration of access to a Road Zone, Category 1

Application details

  1. Application received

    Date: 02/11/2020

  2. Public notice

    Date of Notice: 12/03/2021

  3. Responsible authority decision

    Decision: Notice of decision
    Date of decision: 12/12/2021

    Decision: Permit
    Date of decision: 5/7/2022

  4. Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal

    Appeal number: PA18/2022 & P34/2022
    Final decision: Varied
    Date: 5/7/2022

Supporting documents

Permit details

Application number: PA2000997

Type: Application for planning permit

Address of Land:

520 Meningoort Road Bookaar VIC 3260

Contact us

Development Approvals

Department of Transport and Planning
