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Description of proposal

The proposed works involves the construction of a vehicle crossover to the northern boundary of the property. A section of the existing wooden fence (on the northern boundary) will be removed and replaced with an access gate. ▪ Construction of a new crossover off Mackey Street ▪ Removal of the existing access to the property within the rail reserve ▪ Removal of the existing shed

Application details

  1. Application received

    Date: 16/11/2023

  2. Public notice

    Date of Notice: 27/11/2023

  3. Responsible authority decision

    Decision: Permit
    Date of decision: 22/3/2024

Permit details

Application number: PA2302591

Type: Application for planning permit

Applicant name: Rail Projects Victoria

Applicant address: Level 17 222 Exhibition Street Melbourne VIC 3000

Address of Land:

2 Mackey Street Longwarry VIC 3816

Contact us

Development Approvals

Department of Transport and Planning
