On this page:
Description of proposal
s72 Amendment: amendment to the preamble, amend conditions 1a.ii & iii, 1b, 53, 54a & b, amendment to plans: • Inclusion of the ‘Jung’ land – this land is to accommodate ancillary components of the Project (no WTGs); • Inclusion a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) facility (defined as a Utility Installation within the Horsham Planning Scheme); • Changes to the specifications of the proposed WTGs, including: ° Reduction of the minimum blade tip clearance to 44 metres (from the originally approved 75 metres); and ° Increases to the maximum rotor diameter to 180 metres (from the originally approved 162 metres). • Increases to the amount of native vegetation removal within the Project boundary to 0.951 ha (from the originally approved 0.296 hectares); and • Changes to locations of ancillary infrastructure within the site, including: ° Re-location of permanent infrastructure such as the switchyard, substation, operations and maintenance building; and ° Re-location of temporary infrastructure such as the concrete batching plant, construction compound and laydown areas. The number of WTGs and the locations in which they were approved are not proposed to change as part of this application, ensuring that there are no new amenity impacts for consideration (beyond those where revised assessments to determine the potential for new impacts have been provided) as part of this application.
Application details
Application received
Date: 20/06/2024
Public notice
Date of Notice: 19/09/2024
Responsible authority decision
Decision: Permit
Date of decision: 6/12/2024
Supporting documents
- PA2000877- Wimmera Plains Wind Farm - Planning Permit.pdf
- PA2000877-1 - Wimmera Plains Energy Facility - Advertised Blade Throw Assessment.pdf
- PA2000877-1 - Wimmera Plains Energy Facility - Advertised Cover Letter (RFI Response).pdf
- PA2000877-1 - Wimmera Plains Energy Facility - Advertised Development Plans, BayWa, REV C.pdf
- PA2000877-1 - Wimmera Plains Energy Facility - Advertised Ecological Assessment.pdf
- PA2000877-1 - Wimmera Plains Energy Facility - Advertised Final NVR Report (Appendix 7 of Ecological Assessment).pdf
- PA2000877-1 - Wimmera Plains Energy Facility - Advertised Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment.pdf
- PA2000877-1 - Wimmera Plains Energy Facility - Advertised Noise Impact Assessment.pdf
- PA2000877-1 - Wimmera Plains Energy Facility - Advertised Planning Report.pdf
- PA2000877-1 - Wimmera Plains Energy Facility - Advertised POL App Form, Cover Letter (Parcel Information) & Title Documents.pdf
- PA2000877-1 - Wimmera Plains Energy Facility - Advertised Shadow Flicker Assessment.pdf
- PA2000877-1 - Wimmera Plains Energy Facility - Advertised Statement Of Consent Signed (Redacted).pdf
Permit details
Application number: PA2000877-1
Type: Application to amend planning permit
Applicant name: Wimmera Plains Energy Facility Pty Ltd C/- Environmental Resources Management Australia Pty Ltd (ERM)
Applicant address: Level 8 501 Swanston Street Melbourne VIC 3000
Address of Land:
1797 Henty Highway Jung VIC 3401
Contact us
Development Approvals
Department of Transport and Planning