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Description of proposal

Proposed Horse Hill Snowplay Park earthworks. A 600m3 depression exists within the Horse Hill Snowplay Park. This depression is located between the exit gate at Corn Hill Road to the south, Celia’s Café to the east and the Horse Hill Toboggan Slope to the north. The area is developed, and it is heavily trafficked during winter by people and snow grooming plant. The RMB is proposing improve the areas recreational and environmental outcomes by removing the depression using earth works and clean fill to create a formed embankment towards Celia’s café and smoothed ground surface throughout the base of the snowplay park. The works will deliver an improved environmental outcome with improved drainage and rehabilitation with retained topsoil from the site covered with a layer of weed free sterile straw/mulch to encourage natural revegetation and planting with native tube stock. However, one tree will be removed due to the impact of the construction footprint on the tree’s protection zone. The works will not affect the patch of Sub-alpine Woodland to the east which is outside the existing snowplay park. Proposed works will include: • An extension of the existing drain 10m to the northwest • Fill the approximately 600m3 depression to create a level surface • Fill the area to the level of the picnic area (approximately 2m). • Create a 30m gently sloping embankment toward Celia’s Toboggan Hire & Café building. • Removal of one tree, as damage to its tree protection zone can’t be avoided during construction. • Rehabilitation and revegetation.

Application details

  1. Application received

    Date: 25/10/2021

  2. Public notice

  3. Responsible authority decision

    Decision: Permit
    Date of decision: 29/12/2021

Permit details

Application number: PA2101390

Type: Application for planning permit

Address of Land:


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Development Approvals

Department of Transport and Planning
