On this page:
Description of proposal
Tintern Grammar School - Buildings and works to construct a new three-storey addition to the existing senior school building and new facilities buildings, the display of a flood-lit business identification sign and the removal of vegetation.
Application details
Application received
Date: 23/12/2023
Public notice
Date of Notice: 19/05/2024
Responsible authority decision
Decision: Permit
Date of decision: 11/7/2024
Supporting documents
- PA2302689 - Tintern Grammar School - Access and Car Parking Assessment.pdf
- PA2302689 - Tintern Grammar School - Acoustic Report.pdf
- PA2302689 - Tintern Grammar School - Advertised Plans.pdf
- PA2302689 - Tintern Grammar School - Application form and title documents.pdf
- PA2302689 - Tintern Grammar School - Arborist Report, NVRR and available offsets.pdf
- PA2302689 - Tintern Grammar School - Landscape Concept Plans.pdf
- PA2302689 - Tintern Grammar School - MPL.pdf
- PA2302689 - Tintern Grammar School - Planning Report.pdf
- PA2302689 - Tintern Grammar School - SMP.pdf
- PA2302689 - Tintern Grammar School - Survey Plans.pdf
- PA2302689 - Tintern Grammar School - Waste Assessment Report.pdf
Permit details
Application number: PA2302689
Type: Application for planning permit
Applicant name: Tintern Grammar School
Applicant address: 90 Alexandra Road Ringwood East VIC 3135
Address of Land:
90 Alexandra Road Ringwood East VIC 3135
Contact us
Development Approvals
Department of Transport and Planning