Application number
On this page:
Description of proposal
Buildings and works including demolition within a Heritage Overlay, the change of use to a shop, food and drink premises and Industry (including manufacturing sales) and a reduction in the standard car parking requirements.
Application details
Application received
Date: 08/12/2020
Public notice
Date of Notice: 09/04/2021
Responsible authority decision
Decision: Notice of decision
Date of decision: 21/12/2021
Decision: Permit
Date of decision: 25/1/2022
Supporting documents
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-Accessibility Report-160321.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-Air Quality Assessment of Allied Mills Site-160321.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-Certificate of Title-81220.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-Context Analysis and Design Response Digital-160321.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-Context Analysis and Design Response-160321.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-Cover Letter-160321.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-Cover Letter-81220.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-Env Wind Speed Report-160321.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-ESD Statement-160321.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-Feature & Level Survey Feb21-160321.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-Heritage Impact Statement-160321.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-Landscape Report-81220.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-Planning Assessment Report-160321.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-POL App Form-81220.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-Re-establishment & Feature Survey-81220.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-RLB Stage 2 GFA Confirmation Letter-160321.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-S173 Agreement-81220.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-Supporting Creative Industries Younghusband-81220.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-Title Plan PC359143N-81220.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-Transport Impact Assessment-160321.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-Waste Management Plan-81220.pdf
- ADV PA2001041-10 Elizabeth Street Kensington-Wind Assessment Report-211220.pdf
Permit details
Application number: PA2001041
Type: Application for planning permit
Address of Land:
Contact us
Development Approvals
Department of Transport and Planning