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Description of proposal

s72 Amendment: to amend conditions (for additional native vegetation removal resulting in changes to the wording of the permit). Amend the plans: - New power line to connect to Axedale terminal station on adjacent land within Campaspe Shire (separate approval will be attained for the parts of the power line that are within Campaspe Shire). The power line will duplicate the existing 220kV line and will be built to a maximum height of 48.1m with 3 new lattice style towers. - Main site facilities including BESS are moved from the north-western corner to the north-eastern corner of the site. Main site facilities are rearranged with no significant increase in site coverage, dimensions, equipment appearance or maximum heights. Solar panels will replace the area in the north-west that is vacated by main site facilities. - Minor changes to access tracks and solar infrastructure layout to accommodate the above. - Increased width of accessways to accommodate larger heavy vehicle movements than the original application. - Some additional firefighting infrastructure included on the plans.

Application details

  1. Application received

    Date: 14/12/2024

  2. Public notice

  3. Responsible authority decision

Permit details

Application number: PA2101458-1

Original Permit: PA2101458

Type: Application to amend planning permit

Address of Land:


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Development Approvals

Department of Transport and Planning
