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Description of proposal

Partial demolition of a heritage building, demolition of buildings in a Heritage Overlay Precinct, and construction of four mixed-use multi-storey buildings comprising dwellings, accommodation (student accommodation), restricted recreation facility, retail and food and drink premises, use of the land for a commercial display area and to alter access to a road in a Road Zone, Category 1

Application details

  1. Application received

    Date: 19/12/2014

  2. Public notice

    Date of Notice: 12/02/2016

  3. Responsible authority decision

    Decision: Notice of decision
    Date of decision: 25/6/2017

    Decision: Permit
    Date of decision: 31/7/2017

Permit details

Application number: 201470674

Type: Application for planning permit

Address of Land:

611-681 Elizabeth Street Melbourne VIC 3000

Contact us

Development Approvals

Department of Transport and Planning
