On this page:

Description of proposal

Increase the overall height of building to accomodate replacement of basement parking with above ground parking ***Increase in overall height of building to accomodate replacement of basement parking with above ground parking*** Demolition of the existing building and construction of a multi-storey building comprising residential apartments and a ground floor commercial tenancy

Application details

  1. Application received

    Date: 17/10/2014

  2. Public notice

  3. Responsible authority decision

    Decision: Permit
    Date of decision: 21/12/2015

Correction or amendments

Application number



Minister is not the Responsible Authority

Date of decision


Permit details

Application number: 2012010161A

Type: Application for planning permit

Address of Land:

57 Haig Street Southbank VIC 3006

Contact us

Development Approvals

Department of Transport and Planning
