On this page:

Description of proposal

Develop land for a solar energy facility (renewable energy facility) and a Battery Energy Storgae System (utility installation). Farming Zone - 35.07-1: To use land for a Renewable energy facility (other than Wind energy facility) - 35.07-4: To construct and carry out works for use in Section 2 Significant Landscape Overlay - 42.03-2: To construct a building or construct or carry out works to remove, destroy or lop any vegetation Environmental Landscape Overlay, Schedule 1 and Schedule 4 - 42.01-2: To construct a building or construct or carry out works and to remove, destroy or lop any vegetation Clause 52.02 - To remove or vary an easement

Application details

  1. Application received

    Date: 06/06/2024

  2. Public notice

  3. Responsible authority decision

Permit details

Application number: PA2402968

Type: Application for planning permit

Applicant name: Elgin Energy Pty Ltd

Applicant address: 10 Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street Brisbane QLD 4000

Address of Land:

1145-1215 Little River-Ripley Road Little River VIC 3211


Development Facilitation Program

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Development Approvals

Department of Transport and Planning
