On this page:

Description of proposal

Removal of native vegetation to enable the construction and operation of a 22kV overhead powerline associated with an approved solar energy facility (Newstead Solar Farm development, PA2000883-3).

Application details

  1. Application received

    Date: 11/10/2023

  2. Public notice

    Date of Notice: 27/11/2023

  3. Responsible authority decision

    Decision: Permit
    Date of decision: 3/1/2024

Supporting documents

Permit details

Application number: PA2302538

Type: Application for planning permit

Applicant name: Newstead Energy Project Pty Ltd (ACN 662 919 833) as trustee for the Newstead Energy Project Trust

Applicant address: Level GF 109-133 Burwood Road Hawthorn VIC 3122

Contact us

Development Approvals

Department of Transport and Planning
