On this page:

Description of proposal

This application seeks approval to display temporary hoarding signage to Spencer Street and Siddeley Street interfaces. The hoarding signage is proposed to be fitted to the solid ply hoarding ensuring safety and access to the site during construction.

Application details

  1. Application received

    Date: 20/09/2023

  2. Public notice

  3. Responsible authority decision

    Decision: Minister is not the Responsible Authority
    Date of decision: 28/9/2023

Permit details

Application number: PA2302495

Type: Application for planning permit

Applicant name: Mirvac Pty Ltd C-/ Urbis Pty Ltd

Applicant address: Level 10 477 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000

Address of Land:

7-23 Spencer Street Melbourne VIC 3008

Contact us

Development Approvals

Department of Transport and Planning
