On this page:
Description of proposal
Star of the Sea College - Partial demolition of buildings in a Heritage Overlay; construct a building or carry out works for a section 2 (Secondary School) use in the Neighbourhood Residential Zone, Schedule 3, Heritage Overlay, and Design and Development Overlay, Schedule 3.
Application details
Application received
Date: 10/05/2023
Public notice
Date of Notice: 26/06/2023
Responsible authority decision
Decision: Permit
Date of decision: 4/8/2023
Supporting documents
- PA2302222 - 78 Martin Street, Brighton - Star of the Sea - RFI Covering Letter - 16062023.pdf
- PA2302222- 78 Martin Street, Brighton - Amended Architectural Drawings -27062023.pdf
- PA2302222- 78 Martin Street, Brighton - Architectural Drawings for notification -27062023.pdf
- PA2302222-78 Martin Street Brighton- Arboricultural Report-90523.pdf
- PA2302222-78 Martin Street Brighton-BESS Report-90523.pdf
- PA2302222-78 Martin Street Brighton-Energy Efficiency JV3 Compliance Report-90523.pdf
- PA2302222-78 Martin Street Brighton-Heritage Impact Statement-90523.pdf
- PA2302222-78 Martin Street Brighton-Landscape Design-90523.pdf
- PA2302222-78 Martin Street Brighton-MPL Certificate-90523.pdf
- PA2302222-78 Martin Street Brighton-Planning Report-90523.pdf
- PA2302222-78 Martin Street Brighton-POL App Form-90523.pdf
- PA2302222-78 Martin Street Brighton-Stormwater Management Report-90523.pdf
- PA2302222-78 Martin Street Brighton-Survey Plan-90523.pdf
- PA2302222-78 Martin Street Brighton-Title-90523.pdf
- PA2302222-78 Martin Street Brighton-Traffic Impact Assessment-90523.pdf
- PA2302222-78 Martin Street Brighton-Waste Management Review-90523.pdf
Permit details
Application number: PA2302222
Type: Application for planning permit
Applicant name: Star of the Sea College
Address of Land:
78 Martin Street Brighton VIC 3186
Contact us
Development Approvals
Department of Transport and Planning