The vision
To guide this plan, we asked a People’s Panel to write a vision statement reflecting the aspirations of today’s and future generations of Victorians, drawing on the findings of the community-led consultation.
The panel comprised 49 Victorians selected from 20,000 people with different life experiences from Melbourne and cities, towns and communities across regional and rural Victoria.
Over two weekends and guided by expert facilitators, this diverse group of Victorians reviewed over 15,000 items of feedback from the community-led consultation. They also questioned government and private sector representatives and discussed matters in detail.
The People’s Panel vision for Victoria
"By 2050, Victoria will be a vibrant, accessible and connected community, valued for its diverse cultures, sustainable environmental practices and respect for the First Peoples of Victoria.
Building a state that provides choices and opportunities for current and future generations of Victorians in quality housing, transport, employment, environment and connectivity will require input from the community, government, local businesses and industry alike.
We will create a society that caters to the unique needs of all Victorians, nurturing individual health through physical and cultural recreation. "
Page last updated: 28/02/25