Self-determination and caring for Country

All our actions have implications for self-determination and caring for Country.

Victorians have been on the path to Treaty for more than eight years, including Parliament passing two Acts and all levels of government developing policies and making commitments.

Wherever you are in Victoria, you are on the Country of Traditional Owners. And Country is directly affected by how we plan our cities and regions.

Plan for Victoria recognises the rights and obligations Traditional Owners have to speak and make decisions for their Country. It also recognises First Peoples’ right to self-determination: to make decisions about matters that affect them and their communities.

To reflect these rights, the self-determination and caring for Country pillar remains open to ongoing engagement with Traditional Owners and First Peoples.

Partnership with Traditional Owners and the First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria

We commit to partner with Traditional Owners and the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria (FPAV) across Victoria to deliver and review Plan for Victoria. This includes:

  • recognising, prioritising and using in the plan the unique knowledge and wisdom of Traditional Owners, including the rights to care for and speak for Country
  • establishing a renewed relationship so Traditional Owners can share in the plan’s benefits
  • empowering Traditional Owners to identify evolving aspirations for and determine relationships with the Victorian planning system
  • embedding governance principles, policies and processes to ensure the collective support and decision-making of Traditional Owners
  • ensuring the plan restores and strengthens the rights of Traditional Owners and doesn’t diminish rights already secured under the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 and the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 or the Commonwealth Native Title Act 1997.

Victoria's Treaty process

Victoria’s Treaty process is about making sure First Peoples have a say in policies and decisions that affect them. Self-determination is key to better outcomes for First Peoples and is an acknowledgement that they have the knowledge and expertise about what is best for themselves, their families and their communities. As a ‘living’ plan, Plan for Victoria will remain flexible to future Treaty negotiations and Treaty agreements at Statewide and Local–Traditional Owner level.

To ensure we live up to our commitments to self-determination, the implementation of Plan for Victoria will be guided by the Victorian Government’s 11 guiding principles of self-determination. They are:

  • human rights
  • cultural integrity
  • commitment
  • Aboriginal expertise
  • partnership
  • decision-making
  • empowerment
  • cultural safety
  • investment
  • equity
  • accountability

Registered Aboriginal Parties

Registered Aboriginal Parties are decision-makers for approvals for Cultural Heritage Management Plans that can be required for high impact activities – including some subdivisions and housing and infrastructure construction approvals.Registered Aboriginal Parties and Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council have authority under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006to advise the Minister for Planning on proposed amendments to planning schemes that may affect places of Aboriginal heritage significance.

The map below shows Registered Aboriginal Parties – Traditional Owner groups – recognised under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006. Traditional Owner groups are the original custodians of Victoria who share a deep cultural, spiritual and social connection with Country. They have unique rights and responsibilities in caring for Country. Each Traditional Owner group has their own unique culture, history, language, customs and laws.

View the full list of Registered Aboriginal Parties.

Map of Registered Aboriginal Parties

Map showing all Registered Aboriginal Parties within Victoria

View list of Victorian Registered Aboriginal Parties.

Yoorrook Justice Commission

The Yoorrook Justice Commission is the first formal truth-telling process into historical and ongoing injustices affecting First Peoples across Victoria. In 2024 the Yoorrook Justice Commission investigated the systemic injustices faced by First Peoples in land, sky and waters, education, health, and housing.  The Commission will conclude its inquiry and deliver its final interim report and final report by 30 June 2025. The Commission’s final report will include an official public record of First Peoples’ experiences of systemic injustice since the start of colonisation, helping all Victorians understand the impact of colonisation and the diversity, strength and resilience of First Peoples.

Read more about the Yoorrook Justice Commission.

Formal recognition of Traditional Owners of particular Country

There are three ways we formally recognise Traditional Owners of particular Country:

  • by the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council appointing a Traditional Owner corporation as a Registered Aboriginal Party under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006
  • by a Recognition and Settlement Agreement under the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010
  • by a consent determination by the Federal court under the Native Title Act 1993 and accompanying Indigenous Land Use Agreements.

Some Traditional Owners also have a cooperative management agreement – a partnership between Traditional Owners and the Victorian Government providing a means for Traditional Owners to participate in the management of parks and reserves on their Country.