On this page:

What we'll do

We’ll provide the opportunity to recognise Traditional Owners’ Country in planning schemes and provide Country-specific guidance. We will collaborate closely with Registered Aboriginal Parties to do this.

Why this action is important

Traditional Owners’ priorities, expectations and aspirations for Country should inform decision-making so planning outcomes are more inclusive, respectful and sustainable. Work is underway to identify opportunities to better reflect Traditional Owners’ rights and interests in Victoria’s planning system. These could be informed by Strategic Aboriginal Heritage Assessments.

Some Registered Aboriginal Parties are undertaking Strategic Aboriginal Heritage Assessments across their Country that will provide early guidance in planning processes about priorities for the protection and management of places of cultural heritage significance.


  • Department of Transport (DTP)
  • Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC)

Short term milestone

How we will do it

  • Reference to Country Plans in PPF.

Leading pillars

Page last updated: 28/02/25