On this page:
What we'll do
We’ll deliver more opportunities for homes working closely with councils and communities to:
- create clearer rules about the types of new development and urban design outcomes we need
- guide investment in the things a growing community needs like improved streets, parks and community infrastructure
- provide increased certainty to the community about what kind of infrastructure and new development to expect
- develop models for clearer and simpler planning rules which can be replicated in other centres.
Why this action is important
Activity centres are great locations for more housing. But they are so much more. Activity centres are places to work, they are places for social interaction, and they are ideal places to shop and access your essential daily needs. The program will seek to enliven activity centres and make sure they live up to their potential.
That’s why they are an important part of our plan to build 800,000 over the next decade. Making sure they contribute to this goal is a matter of state importance.
Department of Transport (DTP)
Short term milestone
How we will do it
- Amendment to Victorian Planning Provisions and all relevant Planning Schemes:
- First 10 centres
- Remaining 50 centres
Photo: Doncaster, Victoria
Credit: Chris Kapa
Leading pillar
Page last updated: 28/02/25