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What we'll do

We’ll embed statewide caring for Country principles in updated design guidance to deliver better public places and support Country-specific guidance.

We’ll work with Traditional Owners to give greater recognition to their languages in place-naming.

Why this action is important

Words have power, and this is especially true of the names we give to places. We can show respect and better celebrate the culture of places and our communities by using Traditional Owner names for places.

It’s important to extend the power of Traditional Owners’ knowledge to guide the care of places. Traditional Owners’ voices are central to this.

Wadawurrung Urban Design Guidelines

A project initiated and lead by Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation is translating Wadawurrung Cultural Knowledge and Values into the Wadawurrung Urban Design Guidelines. Wadawurrung Dja (Country) is under considerable pressure with significant development occurring in Djilang (Geelong), Ballaarat (Ballarat), Bellawyn (Bellarine Peninsula) and areas west of the Werribee River. This project aims to enable Traditional Owners to continue their cultural obligations to care for Country that is urbanised while supporting urban design professionals to engage respectfully with Wadawurrung People, Culture and Country to create design outcomes and places are culturally relevant and enriching.

The Corporation’s work includes a framework for how the government, developers and designers engage and partner with it and support it to have greater authority over cultural and economic development initiatives. The project is part of the Geelong City Deal, a collaborative plan by the Commonwealth and Victorian governments to transform Greater Geelong and the Great Ocean Road through the Revitalising Central Geelong Action Plan.


  • Department of Transport (DTP)

Short term milestone

How we will do it

  • Update the Urban Design Guidelines for Victoria.

Leading pillars

Page last updated: 28/02/25