On this page:

What we'll do

We’ll increase the tree canopy cover of urban areas by setting a target of 30 per cent tree canopy cover while ensuring that safety and power reliability is maintained. To do this, we’ll make the planting of canopy trees a consideration in all planning permits for new residential, commercial and industrial development. Also, if you intend to remove a canopy tree over 5 m tall, in many cases you’ll need a planning permit, which is a practical, reasonable way to protect existing canopy trees.

In growth areas, we’ll maximise opportunities to plant street trees: trees on nature strips and public rights-of-way and ensure they get the water they need to grow.

We’ll increase the tree canopy cover of open space by continuing programs, including the More Trees for a Cooler, Greener West Program, a program to plant trees in areas of Melbourne with the lowest tree canopy cover.

Why this action is important

To increase tree canopy cover, we must protect existing trees and plant new ones. Many canopy trees in established areas are approaching the end of their lives, and we must start today to give new trees time to establish and deliver benefits, including absorbing heat and carbon dioxide and providing shade for people outdoors.

Trees and greenery need water, which makes our management of water and drainage in urban areas important. Old engineering approaches to drainage (such as concreting waterways) focused on ‘getting water away’ at the expense of the environment. A more integrated approach to water management can deliver environmental, cost and amenity benefits.


  • Department of Transport (DTP)

Support from:

  • Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)
  • Councils

Short term milestone

How we will do it

  • Amend PPF Clause 12 (Environmental and Landscape Values).
  • Introduce new Particular Provisions for tree removal.

Leading pillars

Page last updated: 28/02/25