On this page:

What we'll do

Subject to Traditional Owners’ agreeing, we’ll remove unnecessary restrictions in planning schemes that are barriers to self-determination.

We’ll also use existing mechanisms to streamline the approval of proposals by formally recognised Traditional Owners and Aboriginal community-controlled organisations.

In the longer term, we’ll continue to partner with Traditional Owners to understand, recognise and embed Traditional Owners’ rights, interests and aspirations in Victoria’s planning system, including through the review of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and through the strategic assessments of Aboriginal cultural heritage being undertaken by formally recognised Traditional Owners.

Why this action is important

Traditional Owners should have autonomy and lead decision-making over their Country. In the immediate term, these changes will empower Traditional Owners to use, develop and manage their Country in a self-determined manner.

In partnership with Traditional Owners, we’re exploring opportunities to enhance the planning system to increase the participation and influence of formally recognised Traditional Owners in planning decisions on Country.


  • Department of Transport (DTP)

Short term milestone

How we will do it

  • Victoria planning provisions amended.

Leading pillars

Page last updated: 28/02/25