We will increase medium-density housing and limit urban sprawl to preserve our natural landscapes and biodiversity.
The Victorian government will proactively align their policies with other levels of government to facilitate ample and affordable private and social housing."
The People’s Panel’s vision for housing for all Victorians
As part of our living plan, we will track delivery of inclusive communities:
- opportunities for all
- diverse communities
- strong communities
- good governance.

Victoria's Housing Statement
We’re delivering on the September 2023 Victoria’s Housing Statement to boost housing supply across the state, including social and affordable homes, by reforming our planning system. This is part of a suite of actions that include encouraging great design standards, strengthening renters’ rights, safeguarding essential quarry resources, streamlining approvals for construction materials and slashing stamp duty on off-the-plan apartments, units and townhouses to cut upfront costs, speed-up building and make buying off-the-plan more affordable. We want Victoria to stay number one in Australia for approving and building homes.
Find out more about Victoria’s Housing Statement.
Where Victoria will change
Where Melbourne will change
More homes will be built in Melbourne in well-connected, well-serviced locations around activity centres, train stations and priority precincts. More homes will be built in Melbourne’s growth areas while maintaining the existing Urban Growth Boundary, protecting economic and environmental values and providing homes in the right places.