Accessible jobs and services

Enabling you to connect to jobs, education, healthcare, shops and the services you need to live a productive and prosperous life.

A good and strong economy depends on equitable and fair access to employment opportunities, education and other services.

"We envisage that in 2050 we will be a well-connected society where everyone has equitable access to essential services, as well as fair and inclusive living/working standards.

There will be fair access to housing, jobs, education, infrastructure and services; commerce and the environment will be supported across the state. Victorians want a healthy work-life balance that produces wellbeing in safe working environments.

We envisage a Victoria where people have more choice about where to live and work within a connected community. Efficient transport infrastructure will link Melbourne and regional cities, and places of cultural and recreational importance.

There will be an emphasis on rural cities and towns and the decentralisation of employment opportunities and essential services while facilitating the digital and physical infrastructure needed to support contemporary jobs in our regions.

Victoria will encourage workspaces that are healthy and enjoyable and provide flexible working options (e.g. remote work and study). In addition, Victoria will provide sustainable and equitable work in Melbourne, developing the already existing population hubs of the state."

The People's Panel's vision for accessible jobs and services

As part of our living plan, we will track delivery of a prosperous economy:
  • ease of getting about
  • facilities close by
  • timely development
  • competitive industries
  • a vibrant economy


Transport infrastructure: We’ll reduce commute times and congestion while improving your wellbeing and quality of life by expanding and modernising public transport networks, including trains, trams and buses and supporting active transport: walking and cycling paths.
The Metro Tunnel and Suburban Rail Loop:These transformative investments in public transport will open up new job and housing opportunities for Victorians whilst enhancing Melbourne’s productivity and liveability.
More jobs close to homes:We’ll deliver more jobs near homes by planning for, protecting and readying commercial and industrial land for development in locations well-serviced with jobs, shops, public transport and community facilities and services.
Services and community facilities:We’ll make sure that communities have the public transport, facilities and services they need to lead healthy, productive lives, including schools and kinders, TAFEs, emergency services, health care, active transport and open space.
Transition to renewable energy:We'll enable the supporting infrastructure that businesses need to thrive, including access to affordable and reliable energy, to maximise local and state-wide benefits of the renewable energy transition.
Critical mineral resources: We’ll safeguard the supply of Victoria’s critical mineral resources which is essential for building our state, providing materials for clean energy technology and recycling opportunities for local and export markets.

Economic Growth Statement

We’ve established Economic Growth Victoria, a new agency to identify opportunities to boost economic growth across the state. It’s developed the Economic Growth Statement that includes ways to increase the supply of commercial and industrial land, reduce regulations while also protecting people and the environment, more strongly support businesses to invest in Victoria and grow Victoria’s priority sectors: advanced manufacturing, health technology and medical research, the clean and circular economy, digital technologies and agribusiness.Read more about Economic Growth Victoria

Read more about Economic Growth Victoria

Victoria’s economic strengths

Map illustrating job precincts across Victoria

Melbourne’s economic strengths

Map illustrating job precincts across Melbourne