Engagement for the plan

The most extensive community-led consultation ever for a Victorian strategic plan


community events held


events held in regional and rural Victoria


young people engaged


multicultural groups engaged


industry stakeholder representatives engaged


online surveys submitted. With 55 survey respondents identifying as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander


items of feedback gathered


written submissions received

Find out more about the engagement program and what Victorians told us.

How we listened

Between November 2023 and June 2024, we had more than 850 hours of conversation with industry stakeholders, communities and councils. Four themes guided our community conversations:

  • Affordable housing and choice
  • Equity and jobs
  • Thriving and liveable suburbs and towns
  • Sustainable environments and climate action

We identified eight broad strategies from the information we gathered, called ‘big ideas’. They were:

  • More homes in locations with great public transport access
  • More housing options for all Victorians, including social and affordable homes
  • More jobs and opportunities closer to where you live
  • More options for how we move from place to place
  • More certainty and guidance on how places will change over time
  • More trees and urban greening in our parks and community spaces
  • More protections from flooding, bushfires and climate hazards
  • Greater protection of our agricultural land

We took these big ideas back to communities across the state through July and August 2024 for feedback and submissions. The more than 15,000 feedback items and 247 formal submissions guided the development of Plan for Victoria.

What you told us

You told us you want affordable, diverse housing near public transport, schools, parks and essential services. You supported more social and affordable housing, especially in areas with greater need and various types of housing to meet different ways of living.

You told us new homes must be high-quality: well-designed and well-built for comfort, quality of life, health, wellbeing and sustainability.

University and TAFE students want more affordable, better-quality and secure housing options. School students want different types of housing to suit different people and families.

Many of you said affordability is the most important factor when choosing a place to live. For First Peoples, being close to family and friends is the second most important factor, highlighting the importance of inter-generational connection.

Regional Victorians wanted more homes to be built to ease local housing pressures, attract more people to the regions and improve the economy outside of Melbourne.

While it’s clear that Victoria needs more homes, you told us it’s vital that local areas maintain their local characters, including the heritage and environmental features you value.

You told us you want accessible jobs and services and better public transport, roads and active transport paths to improve how you get about.

You want public transport to be more frequent and better connected, especially in places with limited access to it. People in rural areas rely more on private vehicles as there is little or no public transport. They want more investment in roads to make it easier to get about.

Older people in Victoria want less road congestion to make it easier to get about. Those under 70 want more and better public transport.

You want to ensure there is enough industrial and commercial land available in your local area, to help have more jobs closer to where you live. You strongly supported mixed-use developments, combining commercial, residential and recreational land uses.

You said that community connection is essential for everyone, especially young people. Local services, affordable community facilities, events and activities encourage social connections.

You told us you want greener suburbs with more tree canopy, open space and walking and bike paths. These all contribute to healthier, more sustainable communities.

You want more support for local businesses, but they must be well-located so you can access them easily.

School students across Victoria told us it’s important to have safe, friendly neighbourhoods with lots of open space, sporting facilities and activities for children and young people.

You told us public spaces must be inclusive, safe and environmentally friendly. You suggested having design standards for new public spaces, including universal design (to make all buildings accessible), environmentally sustainable design and gender-inclusive design.

You said that more accessible public transport and more active transport options (like connected bike paths and better links to stations) will make your area more sustainable and inclusive.

You told us you want the environment protected and sustainable principles applied to planning and building, including making new homes more sustainable with solar panels, heat pumps, cooling systems and clean, renewable energy. One suggestion was for residential planning to consider environmental impact during design and development.

Overall, you supported renewable energy, but regional and rural communities were concerned about the impact of renewables on the environment and agricultural productivity in their areas.

You want greater protection of Country, agricultural land, lakes, beaches and natural resources. With housing density increasing, you said it’s important to consider environmental hazards (such as flood and bushfire risks) when building new homes.

Having more effective recycling programs was one of the main ways you said you can contribute to a more sustainable environment.

Engaging with Traditional Owners and First Peoples

We began engaging with Traditional Owners to develop this plan in late 2023. Our engagement approach is built on the principles of self-determination and free, prior and informed consent, which reflects Traditional Owners’ human rights as stated in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Traditional Owners have their own governance structures and decision-making processes, so how we engage with them needs to allow time for those processes to occur. Meaningful engagement takes time. It also demonstrates respect for established governance structures within Registered Aboriginal Parties and shows respect for the knowledge Traditional Owners have to offer. In other words, respect for self-determination.

The Registered Aboriginal Parties with which we met provided valuable advice about how we can ensure the success of ongoing engagement, including being clear about opportunities for future change and about how their input and feedback will influence outcomes.

Beginning in early 2024, we engaged with peak bodies and organisations within the wider First Peoples community. This included engagement, which is ongoing, with five First Peoples community organisations and First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria representatives.

We developed a page on the Engage Victoria website with an online survey only open to First Peoples and the wider First Peoples community.

Of the online community survey respondents, 55 identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

As part of our engagement with young people, a ‘youth ambassador’ held a creative workshop on their home Country, Multnomah (Portland). All 10 workshop participants identified as First Peoples.

The needs First Peoples spoke of included:

  • better access to housing
  • more local empowerment, giving Traditional Owners more power over the future
  • more creative spaces to explore ideas and interests, which will also help reduce the unsocial behaviour of some young people
  • better roads to help get to and from work or study
  • the protection of rural land for farming and food production.

We have heard the call for First Peoples-led environmental practices and reconciliation and more programs to care for Country.

A depiction of an urban street with less variety of homes, facilities, trees and support for bikes and pedestrians
Before: Limited home choices in an unwelcoming environment.
Depiction of a street showing bike lanes, green spaces, housing, and a variety of goods and services
After: More home choices provided in green public areas with access to jobs, shops, public transport, facilities and services.

Page last updated: 28/02/25