
On this page:

This page provides definitions for the most important words and phrases used in the plan. Whether you're new to the topic or looking to clarify specific terminology, this resource is here to help.


Words What they mean
Active transport
Walking and what’s called ‘micro mobility’: cycling (using a bike or e-bike), scooting and skateboarding.
Affordable housing
Housing, including social housing, appropriate for the needs of very low-income, low-income or moderate-income households. In practice, this means households can pay their essential living costs after making mortgage or rent payments, meaning these payments are usually 30% or less of their income.
Community facilities
Parks, sports and recreation facilities, libraries, schools, early childhood facilities, health clinics, community centres, emergency services facilities and other infrastructure that make your suburb more liveable and residents more engaged with their community.
If a planning application meets a deemed-to-comply requirement, then it cannot be refused on the basis of that requirement. For example, if the planning scheme sets a deemed-to comply-height of ten storeys then a building of nine storeys cannot be refused because it is too tall.
The number of homes or jobs in given area.
First Peoples Refers to all people of Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent living or visiting Victoria.
First Peoples assembly of Victoria The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria is the independent and democratically elected body to represent Traditional Owners of Country and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Victoria.
First Peoples community Refers to the wider Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community, including Traditional Owners. The First Peoples Community’s voice can be conveyed individually or through many First Peoples organisations and peak bodies. i.e. Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs), Local Aboriginal Networks (LANs) and Gathering Places.
Greenfield areas Undeveloped rural land identified for urban development.
Open space Open-air public areas, including parks, gardens, recreation reserves, nature reserves, town squares and land along rail lines and around stations.
Planning system The Acts, regulations and municipal planning schemes set out objectives, policies and controls for the use, development and protection of land and the planning professionals (such as planners, councils and referral authorities) implementing them.
Precinct structure plan A high-level strategic plan for a defined area setting out the preferred location of land uses and infrastructure to guide development, subdivision and building permits, which is incorporated into the local Planning Scheme through a Planning Scheme Amendment.
Public services and facilities Public services include education, healthcare, emergency and leisure services delivered by the public and private sectors. Public facilities include the open space, buildings, equipment, roads, railways and the other inground and overground assets required to deliver public services and transport, as well as other community infrastructure (such as sports grounds and cultural centres) underpinning a good quality of life.
Public transport Trains, trams and buses.
Registered Aboriginal Parties Traditional Owner groups legally recognised under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 with responsibilities for managing and protecting Aboriginal Cultural Heritage on Country. Registered Aboriginal Parties are recognised as the primary guardians, keepers and knowledge holders of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage, including culturally significant places and objects.
Social housing Housing other than under a Victorian Affordable Housing Program that is public housing (housing the government manages) or community housing (housing a not-for-profit organisation owns, controls or manages).
Traditional Owners The original custodians of Victoria, who share a deep cultural, spiritual and social connection with Country. They have unique rights and responsibilities in Caring for Country. Each Traditional Owner group has its own unique culture, history, language, customs and laws. Actions in this plan referring to Traditional Owners is a reference to formally recognised Traditional Owner Corporations with Registered Aboriginal Party status under Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (Vic).
Urban heat island effect The phenomena of urban areas being much warmer than rural areas, particularly at night, due to the paved surfaces and buildings (such as house roofs) retaining heat.
Us The people of Victoria, who the Victorian Government works for.
We The Victorian Government and its officers.
You The reader.

Page last updated: 28/02/25
