September 2023

About the changes

Planning schemes will soon change to support the delivery of housing in Victoria.

Changes include:

  • Codifying residential development requirements for single dwellings, townhouses and low-rise apartments
  • Deciding single dwelling applications on lots less than 300 square metres in 10-days
  • Removing the need for a planning permit for a single dwelling on a lot of 300 square metres or more
  • Expansion of the Future Homes program
  • Facilitated assessment pathway for significant residential development
  • Facilitated assessment pathway for significant economic development.

Codifying residential development requirements for single dwellings, townhouses and low-rise apartments

Single dwellings and multi-dwelling developments, including townhouses and low-rise apartments (up to four storeys) have been codified.

Fourteen of the residential development standards have been codified, and work will begin on codifying the remaining standards.

This means that where the residential development standard is met, the development is deemed to have met the objective. The opportunity will still exist for the responsible authority (usually the municipal council) to consider an alternative design solution when deciding the application.

Deciding single dwelling applications on lots less than 300 square metres in 10-days

Single dwellings on lots less than 300 square metres now qualify for the VicSmart permit process (10-days) in the following zones:

  • Mixed Use Zone
  • Township Zone
  • Residential Growth Zone
  • General Residential Zone
  • Neighbourhood Residential Zone.

To qualify for the VicSmart process, the development must meet the following standards of clause 54 of the planning scheme:

  • A3 Street setback
  • A10 Side and rear setbacks
  • A11 Walls on boundaries
  • A12 Daylight to existing windows
  • A13 North-facing windows
  • A14 Overshadowing open space
  • A15 Overlooking.

Removing the need for a planning permit for a single dwelling on a lot of 300 square metres or more

Single dwellings and single dwelling extensions will no longer require a planning permit on a lot of 300 square metres or more in the Township Zone, General Residential Zone and Neighbourhood Residential Zone. Previously, this requirement was specified in some planning schemes.

Expansion of the Future Homes program

The Future Homes program that makes it easier to build better apartments is expanding.
The program is expanding from a single pilot location in the City of Maribyrnong, to state-wide implementation in specified locations across metropolitan and regional Victoria.  It will be available across the State in the General Residential Zone in any of the following locations:

  • On land within 800m of a passenger railway station (excluding stations that have freight service only), or
  • On land within 800m of a metropolitan, major or neighbourhood activity centre within metropolitan Melbourne, or
  • On land within 800m of a large regional activity centre (these regional centres will be appropriately defined under the provision).

The program will not be available on land within a Heritage Overlay or Neighbourhood Character Overlay.

While notice requirements will continue to apply, there will be no review rights for a third party or a referral authority.

The relevant municipal council’s Chief Executive Officer will be the responsible authority for deciding on the application.

All applications will need to be referred to the Secretary of the Department of Transport and Planning before lodgement to ensure that the exemplar designs are properly adapted to the development site.

New facilitated assessment pathway for significant residential development with affordable housing

A new fast-track planning assessment pathway is available for significant residential development proposals under clause 53.23 Significant residential development with affordable housing of the Victoria Planning Provisions.

The changes also make the Minister for Planning the responsible authority for determining applications by fast tracking a range of residential development proposals.

New facilitated assessment pathway for significant economic development

A new fast-track planning assessment pathway is available for significant economic development proposals under clause 53.22 Significant economic development of the Victoria Planning Provisions.

The changes also make the Minister for Planning the responsible authority for determining a range of applications that are currently assessed under the Development Facilitation Program, including significant projects for retail, commercial and industrial development sectors.

Victoria's Housing Statement

Page last updated: 01/01/25