About the declared area

The Bass Coast is known for its valued rural and coastal landscapes, farmland and biodiversity. The area is popular with both residents and visitors. Phillip Island attracts tourists with its beaches, wetlands and wildlife.

Bass Coast has been declared a ‘distinctive area and landscape’ to protect the environment, landscape and lifestyle. Determining the Cape Paterson PSB is required to finalise the draft Statement of Planning Policy (SPP).

The draft Bass Coast SPP was developed in collaboration with Bass Coast Shire Council, the Bunurong and relevant government agencies and authorities. The draft Bass Coast SPP and proposed landscape controls were publicly consulted on from 3 March to 29 April 2022. These documents and all written submissions were referred by the former Minister for Planning to the Distinctive Areas and Landscapes Standing Advisory Committee (DALSAC) on 26 October 2022 for independent advice. The DALSAC hearing process concluded on 27 April 2023.

For more information and to subscribe for updates, visit:

Engage Victoria

Consideration of a revised Cape Paterson Protected Settlement Boundary

The Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) is currently seeking community feedback on a revised proposed Cape Paterson Protected Settlement Boundary (PSB). The PSB being considered excludes the land north of Seaward Drive, Cape Paterson, and takes into account feedback received to date and the additional landscape assessment completed in January 2024 by DTP.

You can learn more about the proposed changes by visiting the Engage Victoria page for this consultation, reading the most recent Landscape Assessment as well as the Bass Coast Residential Market, Demand and Supply Assessment and the Bass Coast Housing Strategy.

Consultation for the Cape Paterson PSB will be open from 18 December 2024 until 29 January 2025.

For more information and to lodge a submission on the revised proposed Cape Paterson PSB, visit Engage Victoria:

Engage Victoria

If you require an extension for your submission, please contact us at strategic.planning@transport.vic.gov.au with your request before 29 January 2025.

Page last updated: 18/12/24