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Once our plans are finalised and in place, landowners in each activity centre will have more opportunities to build more different types of homes on their property.

Each landowner can decide if and when they want to build new homes. Over time, some may decide to build new homes, and others may decide not to.

If you’re looking for a home close to public transport that’s well-connected to jobs, shops and services, you’ll have more opportunities over time to find one that’s right for you.

How will activity centres change over time?

Once our plans are finalised and in place, each activity centre will slowly change over the next few decades, providing the new homes we need between now and 2051.

We expect larger and unused blocks of land will develop first. They provide the best opportunities to deliver new homes the soonest. Other areas, like streets with lots of existing homes on smaller blocks, will develop more slowly or may experience very little change at all.

Will the Victorian Government be building these homes?

Most new homes in activity centres will be built by private developers and landowners, not by the Victorian Government. The Victorian Government is not proposing to buy land for developing new homes as part of the Activity Centres Program.

Have your say

Throughout 2025 and 2026, we will work with local communities, councils and stakeholders to better understand how we can improve access to housing while enhancing the things that make these centres great places to live.

If you live in or around one of the activity centres where we’ll be consulting throughout 2025, you will receive a newsletter in the coming weeks with more information about the program and opportunities to get involved.

Page last updated: 27/02/25