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More homes mean more vibrant activity centres

Activity centre planning builds more opportunities and better communities by setting clear expectations for long-term growth, giving the community a say early, and streamlining planning to unblock home building.

As activity centres grow, we will make sure the local communities have the support they need to grow with them. That includes funding future infrastructure, supporting the provision of affordable housing, ensuring new homes are high quality, and delivering more and better parks and green spaces.

Funding future infrastructure

We’re introducing a simplified infrastructure funding system to help fund the things activity centres will need into the future. This system will help to provide direct contributions for councils and the Victorian Government to deliver the infrastructure each activity centre needs to thrive.

The new standardised system will be paid by developers for each new home they deliver. It will come into effect in January 2027.

It will make sure that new homes in activity centres are supported with the funding to deliver new and upgraded infrastructure including public transport, roads, upgrades to parks and community facilities.

This system is under development in collaboration with local government and industry partners, and will provide a consistent, simplified and equitable approach to funding infrastructure for growing communities.

Ensuring new homes are high quality

As we plan to deliver more homes across Victoria, the Victorian Government is making sure new homes are of high quality and are built to last.

A new building regulator is being created to oversee Victoria’s domestic building and plumbing industries. For the first time, the regulator will unify all aspects of building quality control—including regulation, insurance, and dispute resolution—within a single agency.

Page last updated: 27/02/25