Activity Centres
Setting the strategy for supporting jobs, housing and transport, while building on Melbourne's legacy of distinctiveness, liveability and sustainability.
Find out more about the Activity Centres Program
In this section
Planning system initiatives and reforms we are working on as part of Victoria’s Housing Statement -
Activity Centres Program
Planning for more homes in activity centres, close to public transport, jobs and services. -
Future Homes
Explore our ready-made architectural designs and purpose-built planning process to get you building faster. -
Small second homes
Learn how we are making it easier to build a small second home. -
Plan Melbourne 2017–2050
Sets the strategy for supporting jobs, housing and transport, while building on Melbourne's legacy of distinctiveness, liveability and susta... -
Regional growth plans
Find out about our strategic land use plans for regional Victoria. -
Distinctive areas and landscapes
Amendments to the Planning and Environment Act have been introduced to safeguard the state's distinctive areas and landscapes -
Environmentally sustainable development of buildings and subdivisions
How the planning system is changing to improve the sustainability of buildings and subdivisions across Victoria.
Future homes
Future Homes are high amenity, light filled 3 storey apartment designs that can be adapted to various sites.
Find out more