Type of application
Construct a dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres.
Criteria (all must be met)
- The development meets the following standards of Clause 54:
- A3 Street setback
- A10 Side and rear setbacks
- A11 Walls on boundaries
- A12 Daylight to existing windows
- A13 North facing window
- A14 Overshadowing open space
- A15 Overlooking.
Where this applies
- Mixed Use Zone
- Township Zone
- Residential Growth Zone
- General Residential Zone
- Neighbourhood Residential Zone
Type of application
Construct or extend a front fence within 3 metres of a street if the fence is associated with one dwelling on a lot less than 300 square metres.
Criteria (all must be met)
Where this applies
- Mixed Use Zone
- Township Zone
- Residential Growth Zone
- General Residential Zone
- Neighbourhood Residential Zone.
Type of application
Construct a building or construct or carry out works (except in residential and rural zones.
Criteria (all must be met)
- The estimated cost does not exceed:
- $1,000,000 in an industrial zone, or
- $500,000 in other applicable zones
- The land is not within 30 metres of land (not a road) which is in a residential zone – does not apply in a Capital City Zone or Docklands Zone
- Is not for a purpose listed in the table to Clause 53.10 in the planning scheme
- Is not for a Brothel or Adult sex bookshop – this does not apply in a special purpose zone.
Where this applies
- All industrial zones
- All commercial zones
- Special Use Zone
- Comprehensive Development Zone
- Capital City Zone
- Docklands Zone
- Priority Development Zone
- Activity Centre Zone
Type of application
Construct a building or construct or carry out works in residential zones.
Criteria (all must be met)
- The estimated cost does not exceed $100,000 and
- The development is not associated with dwelling and
- The development complies with the following standards of Clause 54:
- A10 Side and rear setbacks
- A11 Walls on boundaries
- A12 Daylight to existing windows
- A13 North facing windows
- A14 Overshadowing open space
- A15 Overlooking.
Where this applies
- Clause 32.03-4
- Clause 32.04-8
- Clause 32.05-9
- Clause 32.07-7
- Clause 32.08-8
- Clause 32.09-8
Type of application
Construct a building or construct or carry out works up to $250,000 in some rural zones.
Criteria (all must be met)
- The land is not within 30 metres of land (not a road) which is in a residential zone
- The land is not used for Animal keeping, Intensive animal husbandry or Rural industry
- The works are not earthworks specified in the schedule to the zone.
Where this applies
- Rural Living Zone
- Green Wedge Zone
- Green Wedge A Zone
- Rural Conservation Zone
Type of application
Construct a building or construct or carry out works up to $500,000 in some rural zones.
Criteria (all must be met)
- The works are not earthworks specified in the schedule to the zone
- For buildings and works associated with a Section 2 use the land is not:
- used for animal keeping, intensive animal husbandry or rural industry
- within 30 metres of land (not a road) which is in a residential zone.
Where this applies
- Farming Zone
- Rural Activity Zone
Page last updated: 20/09/23