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The Neighbourhood Character Overlay (NCO) is a tool used in areas where the residential development standards consistently fail to meet the specific objectives for neighbourhood character.

An NCO should not be used as a 'blanket' control across the municipality. Criteria showing when an NCO can be used is included in Planning Practice Note 91: Using the residential zones.

Under the NCO a planning permit is required if you want to:

  • construct a building or carry out works – including all single dwellings, alterations and additions
  • demolish or remove a building if specified in a schedule to an NCO
  • remove, destroy or lop trees if specified in a schedule to an NCO.

A schedule to the Neighbourhood Character Overlay may modify most standards in clauses 54 and 55, including any requirements specified in a schedule to a Residential Growth, General Residential, Neighbourhood Residential, Mixed Use or Township Zone.

A planning scheme amendment is required to introduce an NCO.

Read more in Planning Practice Note 15: Assessing an application for a dwelling in a residential zone.

Page last updated: 06/03/25