The Minister for Planning is the responsible authority for new planning permit applications for energy generation facilities that are one megawatt or greater.

This includes renewable energy and non-renewable energy facilities such as:

  • wind
  • solar
  • pumped hydro
  • gas
  • waste-to-energy.

The minister is also the responsible authority for new planning permit applications for utility installations, including:

  • batteries with capacity of 1 megawatt or greater
  • power lines and substations that connect energy generation facilities to the electricity network
  • power lines with a capacity exceeding 220,000 volts
  • substations exceeding 66,000 volts.

Renewable energy projects in Victoria

See the location and details of renewable energy generation facilities and projects in Victoria.

Accelerated assessment pathway

The Development Facilitation Program (DFP) is an accelerated assessment pathway under Clause 53.22 (Significant Economic Development) designed for priority projects in identified sectors aimed at injecting investment into the Victorian economy. This includes renewable energy projects with an installed capacity of 1 megawatt or greater, as well as utility installation projects.

For more information, see the Development Facilitation Program (DFP).

Planning applications

We provide a pre-application service to applicants. You can request a pre-application meeting online.

Please note that you will need to register to create a profile to lodge a request.

You can email if you are unable to lodge your request.

Request a pre-application meeting

Planning permit applications for renewable energy projects can be lodged online.

Renewable energy action plan

The Renewable Energy (Jobs and Investment) Act 2017 supports a target of 25% renewable energy generation by 2020 and 40% by 2025. In 2023, the Victorian Government announced a commitment to increasing the target to 65% by 2030 and and 95% by 2035.

Victoria’s Renewable energy action plan outlines the action we are taking to encourage investment in the renewable energy sector, to ensure Victorians benefit from a renewable, affordable and reliable energy system into the future.

Page last updated: 14/02/25