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Melbourne Airport Environs Safeguarding Standing Advisory Committee
The Minister for Planning appointed the Melbourne Airport Environs Safeguarding Standing Advisory Committee (the Committee) in March 2020.
The Committee’s purpose was to provide advice to the Minister on improvements to the planning provisions safeguarding Melbourne Airport and its environs.
The Committee was also able to provide advice on improvements that may help safeguard other airport environs in Victoria.
Final Report (Part B - Terms of Reference)
The Committee submitted its final report to the Minister for Planning on 15 November 2021. In April 2022, the Victorian Government released its response to the Committee’s final report on how to further safeguard Victoria’s airports.
A copy of the Government response and further information can be found at Safeguarding Victoria’s Airports.
Learn more about the Melbourne Airport Environs Safeguarding Standing Advisory Committee.
Plan Melbourne Action 49: Plan for possible airport in the South-East Region
Finalise a preferred site beyond Koo Wee Rup, should demand warrant this beyond 2030. Preserve this future option by incorporating planning protection for flight paths and noise contours and the alignment for a connection to the rail line at Clyde.
Plan Melbourne identifies the need to plan for a possible future airport in the South-East of Melbourne to serve the long-term needs of south-east Melbourne and Gippsland.
View Plan Melbourne Outcome 3, Direction 3.4
Development of the airport would be led by a private sector proponent. The airport would serve one third of Victoria’s population, which includes over 300,000 residents of the broader Gippsland region.
Related Plan Melbourne Actions
Delivery of Plan Melbourne Action 49 relies on other Plan Melbourne actions, including Action 17 (Support strategic planning for agriculture) and Action 48 (Strategy for future gateways). These related actions will inform the final completion of Action 49.
View the Plan Melbourne Implementation Actions
South-East Region Airport Planning Pathways document
The possible option of developing a future airport to serve the needs of south-east Melbourne and Gippsland raises many issues. These issues need to be identified to enable a private sector proponent to present a comprehensive proposal.
The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning developed a South-East Region Planning Pathways document in consultation with the Department of Transport and the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions. The Planning Pathways document is intended to highlight the breadth of considerations required from a proponent.
For more information please contact Planning Systems.
Melbourne Airport Environs Strategy Plan Review
The Victorian Parliament approved the Melbourne Airport Environs Strategy Plan in 2003.
The government has committed to review the strategy plan, and the effectiveness of controls intended to safeguard the Melbourne Airport Environs Area and the airport's ongoing curfew-free status. The review will be informed by Melbourne Airport's development program for the proposed third runway and the current approved Melbourne Airport Master Plan. To view the current approved Melbourne Airport Master Plan and details of the proposed the third runway, see Melbourne Airport major projects.
Full report
By section
Australian Standard and Handbook
Australian Standard 2021-2000: Acoustics – Aircraft noise intrusion – Building siting and construction (AS2021) provides an assessment of potential aircraft noise exposure around airports. It is used to guide planning for land in the vicinity of airports.
Standard AS2021 is applied in the Victoria Planning Provisions through the Airport Environs Overlay and Melbourne Airport Environs Overlay.
A review of Standard AS2021 led to an updated list of aircraft types used to measure likely noise impacts. Victoria supported the review of AS2021 and was represented on the review committee. The revised AS2021 was published on 25 March 2015. The Victoria Planning Provisions and the Ministerial Direction on the Form and Content of Planning Schemes were amended to reflect the revised standard.
In 2016, Standards Australia also published Handbook SA HB 149 Acoustics – Guidance on producing information on aircraft noise. The handbook provides guidance on producing public information about aircraft noise.
Heliports and helicopter landing sites
The department's Planning Practice Note 75 explains how the planning system regulates helicopter activity, and provides guidance on preparing and assessing permit applications for the use and development of land under Clause 52.15 (Heliport and Helicopter Landing Site) of planning schemes.
Air ambulance services play an increasing and critical role in emergency healthcare. The Department of Health has prepared design guidelines setting out the requirements for heliports and associated airspace for flightpath protection including spatial considerations, access, lighting, flight path design, protection measures and operational issues. The Department of Health has published Design Guidelines for Helicopter Medical Transport Landing Sites.
Amendment GC49 applies the Design and Development Overlay to the flight paths of helipads at 12 Victorian public hospitals and amends existing overlays and schedules including at seven public hospitals. It protects operational airspace of helicopters and requires that planning permit applications be referred to the Department of Health and Human Services for assessment.
The amendment also includes the Hospital Emergency Medical Services Helicopter Flight Path Protection Areas Incorporated Document, June 2017 in relevant planning schemes. This requires a planning permit, for otherwise exempt development, to protect Helicopter Emergency Medical Services flight paths from encroachment by development that could prejudice the safety or efficiency of the helipad at the relevant public hospitals.
Training course
The Victorian Government will support a planning for airports and safeguarding training program for planners and related professionals. Details of the training course will be provided here when they are available.
Industry stakeholders and practitioners keen to participate in the course can register an expression of interest by emailing their full name, phone number and organisation to Planning Systems.
Page last updated: 01/06/24