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What is Vic3D?

Vic3D is our 3D web-based viewer that provides a range of tools to support 3D spatial analysis and visualisation.

Using Vic3D you can:

  • manage and monitor development activity in an easy to access and use 3D web viewer
  • dynamically display shadowing for a specific date or across a time span to understand overshadowing impact
  • take distance, height and area measurements of buildings or property parcels
  • mock-up massing envelopes to visualise built form and contextual impact
  • conduct viewline and viewshed analysis
  • generate sharable streetscape and aerial views of the model using the camera tool.

These tools are available to our State and Local Government colleagues to enable all Victorians to access simple, effective spatial analysis.

Vic3D uses our deep domain expertise and engagement with users to develop a planning-centric platform that significantly uplifts the state’s planning capabilities and provides a suite of powerful 3D planning tools.

Watch the video to see how Vic3D supports 3D spatial analysis and visualisation.

Key features

The Layers tab provides flexibility to structure a range of 2D and 3D spatial and non-spatial data.

Layers give you easy access to information to support assessment and visualisation.

Dynamically display shadowing for a date and time, or across a time span.
Screenshot of Vic3D 'Shadow' interface showing 3D model and shadow controls.

Take 3D measurements within the interface. Distance and area tools provide a simple way to take accurate measurements.Screenshot of Vic3D 'Measure' interface showing 3D model and Measure controls.

Line of sight allows you to perform visibility analysis. Visibility between an observer and multiple target points is calculated against currently displayed content in the view including:

  • the ground
  • integrated meshes
  • 3D objects like buildings or trees.

Screenshot of Vic3D 'Line of sight' interface showing 3D model and Line of sight controls

Viewshed allows you to define a point and generate a 360 degree viewshed for that location. Visible areas are marked in green and obscured targets are displayed as red.

Screenshot of Vic3D 'Viewshed' interface showing 3D model and Viewshed controls.

View ray is a dynamic version of Viewshed, you can move the focus around the interface to determine what’s visible. Visible areas are marked in green and obscured targets are displayed as red.

Screenshot of Vic3D 'View ray' interface showing 3D model with visible areas shaded green and non-visible areas shaded red.

The sketch tool is a powerful feature to support visualising proposed buildings when the building model isn’t available.

You can sketch a building and define building segments with floors, floor heights and setback configurations. The buildings then form part of analysis in the interface, for example:

  • shadow visualisation
  • view analysis
  • height and area metrics

Buildings created using Sketch can be exported and shared with other Vic3D users.

Creating buildings in Vic3D is made easy with sketch:

  1. Define the base building footprint by selecting a property/group of properties or draw an outline of the footprint.
    Screenshot of Vic3D 'Sketch' interface showing 3D model and controls to configure step 1.
  2. Configure number of segments with individual floor height, and floor count definitions with setbacks.
    Screenshot of Vic3D 'Sketch' interface showing 3D model and controls to configure step 2.

Define specific view points within a scene to form part of fly view presentations through the interface. View points can also be converted to PDF or imported/exported.
Screenshot of Vic3D 'Camera' interface showing 3D model and camera controls.

Presentation mode allows you to present from within Vic3D, without the need to switch between PowerPoint and a web browser.

Presentation mode has similar features to PowerPoint, for example:

  • embed PDFs, images and text
  • setup defined viewpoint scenarios prior to a presentation
  • use embedded controls when ready to present.

Screenshot of Vic3D 'Present' interface showing 3D model and presenting controls.

Shadow accumulation

Display the amount of shadow that a building casts over time.

Elevation profile

Generate elevational profile of streetscape.

Building elevation

Visualise (by colour) buildings according to height range.


Create an image of the current display, that can be inserted into documents, emails and presentations.

Get in touch

Our team can help with:

  • enquiries about Vic3D
  • creating a 3D model or visualisation of your planning project
  • help to submit a 3D model.

Complete the form below and we will contact you about your project.

How would you prefer to be contacted? (Required)

Page last updated: 28/02/25