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What is this template for?

The notice of planning application template is a standard format for local councils to use when creating public planning notices for their community.

The template has been designed and tested with local planning authorities and the community to provide a great experience for community members while also meeting mandatory notice requirements.

Use the template and the instructions below to tailor the notice for your local government area.

Compliance with section 52(1)

When used in line with the instructions provided, the template meets the public notice requirements of section 52(1) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 for a responsible authority.

Instructions for use

You may use the template to update the format of notices automatically generated by your system or it can be updated manually.

Updating text on the notice

Mandatory information is displayed in red text. Text in red must not be altered or changed in any way for the template to remain compliant.

Information inside brackets [ ]  must be updated for each notice with information about the application. Simple plain-language explanations should be used to describe a proposal.

Text in black has been designed to be easy to understand and useful for someone viewing it but can be altered to meet specific needs of your local community.

QR code

The QR code should be updated for each notice and link directly to an individual application webpage, not a central landing page or homepage.


Using an image is optional but recommended to improve the usability of notices. If using an image, including 3D images, you must make sure that it accurately presents the proposed development.

Include the note: “Image is indicative only – scan QR code for more info” on the image to ensure that community members understand the limited nature of the information being depicted.

What to consider when using an image in a notice:

  • The applicant does not determine if an image will be used, or what image is used.
  • The image used in the notice must be easy to understand and unable to be misinterpreted.
  • The image must represent the scale and nature of any proposed use or development.
  • It is difficult to represent the scale and nature of a ‘use’ proposal with a single image – if one image cannot reasonably convey the scale and nature of the proposal, then no image should be used.
  • If 3D imagery is used, you must make sure that it provides a realistic representation of the proposed development and the images have been prepared in accordance with accepted principles.
  • An image should represent the perspective that someone viewing the sign is likely to see if the development was approved and completed.

Page last updated: 09/01/25