Environment effects statements in Victoria
Overview of the environment effects assessment process in Victoria.
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The EES process
Submit an EES referral
Projects that potentially have significant environmental effects should be referred to the Minister for Planning for a decision on whether a... -
EES commencement and scoping
Guide to preliminary information to be supplied by the proponent to inform scoping and commencement of the environment effects statement (E... -
Preparing an EES consultation plan
A consultation plan informs the public about the project, seeks information from stakeholders, and responds to stakeholder input. -
Peer review and quality assurance for environment effects statements
Information about environment effects statement (EES) quality assurance and technical study peer reviews. -
Use of risk and impact assessment in an EES
How environmental risk assessment and impact assessment can be used when preparing your environment effects statement (EES).
Ministerial guidelines for assessment of environmental effects
Processes and requirements for referral and assessment of projects via an environment effects statement.
Read the guidelines
Other guides
Suburban Rail Loop Ministerial guidelines for assessment of environmental effects
These guidelines apply to assessment of Environmental Effects for works proposed as part of the Suburban Rail Loop. -
Major transport project facilitation in Victoria
How we conduct the major transport project assessment and approval process in Victoria -
Project Proposal Guidelines under the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act
How to prepare a major transport project proposal for assessment by the Minister for Planning.