On this page:
The Port of Hastings Corporation is proposing to develop the Victorian Renewable Energy Terminal as a facility to serve as a base of operations for the construction of offshore wind infrastructure along the coast of Victoria. Longer term, the facility may be used to support maintenance, repowering and decommissioning activities.
The proposed Terminal site is situated within the Port of Hastings. It is located to the southeast of Melbourne, approximately 72 km from the Melbourne CBD, and 2.6 km northeast of the centre of Hastings. The Terminal is proposed to be situated between BlueScope’s steel manufacturing plant and Esso’s Long Island Point fractionation plant, at the Old Tyabb Reclamation Area (OTRA).
The onshore component of the site borders the Western Port Ramsar site, an area identified as being of international importance, in particular to waterfowl habitat. The Ramsar site extends across the Western Port area which is connected to Bass Strait.
The project would include landside development, land reclamation, construction of a berth and dredging to allow for ship access. Outside the facility, there may be potential extensions and/or upgrades required to electrical, communications, water and sewer services, and road infrastructure.
Scoping requirements
The scoping requirements set out the matters to be investigated and documented in the environment effects statement (EES).
Draft scoping requirements for this EES were on public exhibition from 19 November to 11 December 2024.
After considering public submissions on the draft scoping requirements, the Minister for Planning will issue the final scoping requirements, which will be uploaded to this page.
Consultation plan
The Port of Hastings Corporation has prepared a consultation plan for the EES, outlining the opportunities and approaches for community engagement during the preparation of the EES. The plan may be updated as required during the preparation of the EES. If the plan changes, the updated version will be posted on this page.
Technical Reference Group
The department has convened an inter-agency Technical Reference Group at the request of the Minister for Planning to advise the department and the proponent on scoping and adequacy of the EES studies and documentation, as well as co-ordination of the EES process with other statutory processes for the project.
The organisations represented on the Technical Reference group are:
- DTP - Impact Assessment
- Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) – Land and Environment Policy
- DEECA – Marine Knowledge Unit
- DEECA – Planning and Environment Assessment
- DEECA – Port Phillip Region
- DTP – State Projects Facilitation
- DTP – Freight Victoria
- Melbourne Water
- EPA Victoria
- Offshore Wind Energy Victoria
- First Peoples - State Relations
- Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation
- Heritage Victoria
- Mornington Peninsula Shire Council
- Ports Victoria
- Safe Transport Victoria
- Victorian Fisheries Authority
Technical Reference Group representatives are supported by technical experts on specific aspects of the EES studies.
Minister’s decision on referral
On 11 October 2023 the Minister for Planning required Port of Hastings Corporation to prepare an environment effects statement (EES) under the Environment Effects Act 1978 to assess the potential environmental effects of the project.
Attachment 4 – Cultural Heritage Assessment
More information
If you have any questions or feedback, please get in touch via the contact details below.
Proposed Victorian Renewable Energy Terminal Project queries:
Port of Hastings Corporation
☎ Phone: 03 5979 5500
EES process queries:
Impact Assessment Unit
☎ Phone: (03) 8622 7633 ✉ Email:
Page last updated: 18/02/25