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Proponent: Level Crossing Removal Authority (LXRA)
The Edithvale and Bonbeach level crossing removals are proposed under the Victorian Government’s program of 50 level crossing removals. The removal of these two separate level crossings at Edithvale Road, Edithvale and Station Street/Bondi Road, Bonbeach are proposed through rail under road as the preferred option at both Edithvale and Bonbeach.
Minister for Planning’s assessment
On Friday 31 August 2018, the Minister for Planning released his assessment under the Environment Effects Act 1978, which concludes the Environment Effects Statement (EES) process for this project. The assessment has been provided to the Minister for Public Transport and statutory decision-makers to inform approval decisions on this project, including for the planning scheme amendment.
An Inquiry and Advisory Committee (IAC) was appointed to consider the EES and draft planning scheme amendment and public submissions and inquire into the environmental effects of the proposal.
A Directions Hearing was held on 9 May 2018. The IAC held a public hearing from 4 June 2018 to 15 June 2018 and provided its report to the Minister for Planning on the 30 July 2018.
Exhibition of EES
The Environment Effects Statement (EES) for the Edithvale Bonbeach Level Crossing Project, together with the draft Planning Scheme Amendment, was released for public comment for a period of 30 business days, from 19 March to 2 May 2018.
Details on the public exhibition process are provided in the EES exhibition public notice.
Online submissions closed on 2 May 2018.
Consultation plan
LXRA have prepared a communication and consultation plan for the EES, outlining the opportunities and approaches for its community engagement during the preparation of the EES.
The plan may be updated as required during the preparation of the EES. If the plan changes, the updated version will be posted on this page.
Scoping requirements
The Scoping Requirements set out the matters to be investigated and documented in the EES. Draft Scoping Requirements for this EES were on public exhibition between 14 August 2017 to 4 September 2017.
After considering public submissions on the Draft Scoping Requirements, the Minister for Planning issued final Scoping Requirements in September 2017.
Minister's decision: EES requested
On 5 May 2017 the Minister for Planning requested Level Crossing Removal Authority to prepare an Environmental Effects Statement (EES) under the Environment Effects Act 1978 to assess the potential environmental effects of the project:
More information
For information about the North East Link, contact:
Proposed Edithvale and Bonbeach Level Crossing Removal Project:
Level Crossing Removal Authority - LXRA
☎ Phone:1800 762 667
✉ Email:
Page last updated: 26/06/24